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II. Cloze (8%)
 Legoland California is delivering an abundance of marine life—more than 1,000 sea animals, from stingrays to sharks—as it has debuted its version of a submarine ride that goes underwater.                   Standing in for an actual ocean is a 3000,000-gallon aquarium __13__ with multiple species of sharks, rays and tropical fish, a feature that __14__ the park’s Lego City Deep Sea Adventure attraction from other theme park submarine rides.
       While the Carlsbad, California, park is no stranger to underwater life __15_ it also operates the Sea Life Aquarium, it is no small feat creating a massive concrete-walled tank and the accompanying __16__ needed to navigate 12-seat vehicles through the watery environment. “Sea Life Aquarium is an extremely popular attraction here and part of the __17__ that makes
 Legoland a successful resort,” said park president Peter Ronchetti. “So bringing that into the ride in a very controlled way opens up a whole new area of discovery for the children. … It’s something different for us. It’s in an exciting environment, and we’re bringing the ride and fish together in a whole new way.”
The ride’s story line is structured around a voyage __18__ the passengers are searching for sunken Lego artwork, swords and other treasures strategically located on the “ocean” bottom.
The real __19__ quest begins as passengers step down to board the submarine while it advances very slowly along the track. Once seated, riders can gaze out at the water via portholes or through large picture windows.
Above are individual touch screens where kids and adults can tap icons of treasures as they spot them __20__. The more treasures they successfully detect, the better their outcomes at the end of the ride as they strive to become a master explorer.

(A) barometer
(B) whim
(C) rout
(D) formula

難度: 困難

倒數 23時 ,已有 2 則答案
Vicky Vicky 高二上 (2021/07/07):

(A) barometer氣壓計; (顥示特定形勢或人們對某一問題態度變化的)晴雨錶,標誌
(B) whim 突然的念頭,衝動
(C) rout 潰敗,徹底失敗
(D) formula 慣例;配方;處方; 公式,方程式

uu(已上榜) 高三下 (2023/04/21):

Sea Life Aquarium is an extremely popular attraction here and part of the __17__ that makes Legoland a successful resort,
海洋生物水族館是這裡非常受歡迎的景點,也是使樂高樂園成為成功度假勝地的 __17__ 的一部分,

(A) barometer氣壓計
(B) whim 異想天開,衝動
(C) rout 潰敗,徹底失敗
(D) formula 慣例;配方;處方; 公式,方程式



II. Cloze (8%) Legoland California is de..-阿摩線上測驗