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III. Blank-filling : (每格1分,共10分)

Researchers studied exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. They found that(16) exposure to these compounds was tied to changes in the structure of offspring’s brains and to intellectual deficits and behavioral problems in childhood.

The researchers measured PAH (17) in the air and in the blood and urine of 40 mothers in their third (18) of pregnancy, as well as in their children’s urine. They followed the children until they were 7 to 9 years old, (19) M.R.I. exams on their brains. The results are in JAMA Psychiatry.

The higher the exposure to PAHs, the more reductions the children had in the white matter surface of the left hemispheres of their brains. The amount of damaged white matter (20) directly with higher scores on measures of symptoms of attention deficit (21) disorder and other behavioral problems. Higher exposure to PAHs and white matter (22) were also associated with lower scores on tests of (23) speed, the ability to take in new information and respond to it.

Critically, as noted, PAHs have been identified as (24), and are considered pollutants of concern for the potency of potential (25) health impacts; the same holds true of their presence at significant levels over time in human diets.

(AB) mutagenic (AC) trimester (AD) processing (AE) concentrations (BC) adverse (BD) correlated (BE) hyperactivity (CD) performing (CE) prenatal (DE) deterioration


難度: 適中
【站僕】摩檸Morning 國三下 (2017/03/13)
Nothingness 小六下 (2017/03/29)

第三大題 III 題目的錯誤實在太多 我發現是因為原PDF檔直接複製和貼上的錯誤 我自己比對校正後 建議整體修改如下 

n Researchers studied exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, orn PAHs. They found that (16) exposure to these compounds was tied to nchanges in the structure of offspring’s brains and to intellectual ndeficits and behavioral problems in childhood.
n The researchers measured PAH (17) in the air and in the blood nand urine of 40 mothers in their third (18) of pregnancy, as well asn in their children’s urine. They followed the children until they ...
Nothingness 小六下 (2017/03/29)

謝謝【站僕】摩檸Morning 修正 但您忘了把答案選項也附上去! 另外, 我把題目選項也加上底下 方便閱讀!

再麻煩您 整理複製貼上囉 謝謝您 :D

Researchers studied exposure to polycyclicnaromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. They found that  (16)   exposure to these compounds was tied tonchanges in the structure of offspring’s brains and to intellectual deficits andnbehavioral problems in childhood.

The researchers measured PAH  (17) in the air and in the blood and urine of 40nmothers in their third  (18)  of pregnancy, as well as in their children’snurine. They followed the children until they were 7...


III. Blank-filling : (每格1分,共10分) Researc..-阿摩線上測驗