
If you have the option of sentencing someone to the electric chair or inducing total amnesia, which would you decide? Is total amnesia more humane? Would it truly erase all memories? These are the 36 that will swirl around the person who invents the first total amnesia inducer. Much like formatting the hard drive of a computer, the amnesia inducer will erase all memories in the human brain. People 37 this process will have to start from ground zero, relearning how to eat, walk, talk, read, and write all over again. But it will still be portrayed as a more humane 38 to the death penalty. Partial amnesia inducers, which erase only the past few days of someone’s memory, will have application in erasing the lasting memory of a person 39 by such things as a brutal crime, the ravages of war, or child abuse.

難度: 適中
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2013/01/13)

l   Sentence判刑

l   Amnesia

KK[æmˋniʒɪə]【醫】記憶缺失; 健忘(症)

l   Swirl


打旋, 旋轉[Q]  The water swirled about his feet. 水在他的腳下打旋。

捲曲, 盤繞[Q]

暈眩, 昏亂

l   Formatting格式化,正在格式化,編排格式

l   Portray



1.畫(人物, 風景等); (用語言)描寫

Dickens portrayed his characters to the life. 狄更斯把他筆下的人物描繪得栩栩如生。


Her book portrays her stepfather as a cruel man. 她的書把繼父描繪成殘忍的人。

3.扮演; 表現

He portrayed King Lear in the pl...

國二上 (2013/06/13)
humane  [hjuˋmen]  adj
1. 有人情味的; 人道的; 仁慈的
2. (指學科)高尚的, 人文的

If you have the option of sentencing som..-阿摩線上測驗