【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


New studies suggest that babies between 4 and 6 months old can tell the difference between two languages just by looking at the speaker's face. They don't need to hear a word. For example, researchers in Canada studied 36 infants from English-speaking families. Twelve of the babies were 4 months old, 12 were 6 months old, and the rest were 8 months old. Each baby sat on his or her mother's lap and watched video clips of a woman talking. The woman was fluent in both English and French. In some clips, she read from a storybook in English. In other clips, she read in French. In all of the videos, there was no sound. After watching clip after clip of the woman reading in just one language, the babies eventually started to look away, apparently because they were bored. The researchers then showed the babies a new silent clip of the woman reading a story in the other language. At that point, the 4- and 6-month olds started looking at the screen again. The 8-month olds, by contrast, paid no attention. The second study involved a different set of 36 infants of the same ages. These babies were from English-speaking homes. They watched silent clips of the woman reading one set of sentences in either English or French until they grew bored. Then, they saw clips showing the woman read different sentences, but in the same language that she had already been speaking. None of the babies showed a renewed interest.
【題組】8. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Language Learning of Babies with Videos
(B) Face-to-face Talking in Babies
(C) Video Watching with Babies
(D) Language Acquisition Ability in Early Childhood

難度: 簡單
江怡伽 大一上 (2024/05/08)
New studies suggest that babies between 4 and 6 months old can tell the difference between two languages just by looking at the speaker's face. They don't need to hear a word.

新的研究表明,4 到 6 個月大的嬰兒只需看說話者的臉就可以區分兩種語言。他們不需要聽一個字。


(D)Language acquisition語言習得ability in early childhood

New studies suggest that babies between ..-阿摩線上測驗