【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


Passage 4 
        In political science, populism is the idea that society is separated into two groups 37 one another—“the pure people” and “the corrupt elite,” according to the book, Populism: A very short introduction. The term, populism, is often used as a kind of shorthand political 38 . For example, Jeremy Corbyn, Britain’s Labour leader, has been accused of populism over his party's slogan “for the many, not the few.” 39 to represent the unified “will of the people,” populists stand in opposition to an enemy, often embodied by the current system, the establishment. The term was generally attached to the left in the past, but now populism can be anywhere on the political 40 .

(A) Its claim
(B) To claim
(C) Claiming
(D) Claimed

難度: 適中
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2021/10/11)
由於民粹主義者聲稱代表了統一的「人民意志」:Because they claim to represent the unified "will of.....看完整詳解
我過了啦 大二上 (2020/07/28)



Passage 4         In political science, ..-阿摩線上測驗