5. Rapamycin is a polyketide isolated from streptomyces. Its structure is shown below. In 2010, a study from mouse model showed that Rapamycin had some beneficial effect in treating Alzheimer's disease. Based on your knowledge in carbohydrates, membrane, and neurochemistry, answer the following questions.
(C) Give two reasons why you do not agree with the above finding (4%).
(B) Give two reasons why you agree with the above finding (4%).
(A) Name any other well-known polyketide drug. (2%)
50. Which one is the most sensitive strategy to detect proteins in gel? (A) coomassie blue stain, (B) silver stain, (C) fluorescent stain, (D) colloidal coomassie blue stain, (E) all the same in sensitivity.
49. Which of the following equipment is not essential for current proteomics study? (A) mass spectrometry, (B) isoelectric focusing electrophoresis, (C) liquid chromatograph, (D) surface plasma resonance, (E) SDS-PAGE.
48. All of the following molecules belong to reactive oxygen species EXCEPT? (A) hydrogen peroxide, (B) superoxide radical, (C) hydroxyl ion, (D) hypochlorite ion, (E) sulfonate.