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主題:中央造幣廠 101 年新進人員甄選試題-英文科


    Pass the mustard! Mustard packs a flavorful punch, adding a distinctive taste to everything it touches. It’s no wonder people from all over the world— especially the residents of a small town in Wisconsin— love this yellow sauce.     In Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, people have dedicated a museum and a special day to mustard. In 1986, the museum’s founder, Barry Levenson, discovered a passion for mustard and resolved to create the world’s largest collection. The museum opened in 1992 and currently boasts 4,400 mustards from over 60 countries. Mustard memorabilia such as post cards, old advertisements and mustard posts are also displayed in the museum’s gallery.     Today, the first Saturday in August, the town of Mount Horeb celebrates National Mustard Day. The event kicks off with performance by a live band. Guests compete in contests and games such as the “Mustard Wheel of Fortune.” Free hot dogs are given out— as long as one eats them with mustard! Other activities include cooking demonstrations using mustard and free tours of the Mustard Museum. To top it all off, a local restaurant serves scoops of mustard ice cream.     Mustard not only has a long and interesting history but also tastes great. Celebrate this crowd-pleasing sauce today with your favorite food— covered in mustard!      通過芥末!芥末配備了一個美味的一拳,它觸及的一切,加入了獨特的味道。這也難怪人們來自全國各地的世界,特別是在威斯康星州一個小鎮的居民喜歡這個黃色的醬。     在何烈山,威斯康星州,人們有專門的一個博物館和一個特殊的日子,芥末。 1986年,博物館的創辦人,巴里列文森,發現芥末的熱情和決心,以創建世界上最大的。該博物館成立於1992年,目前擁有來自60多個國家的4,400芥末。所有芥末紀念品,如明信片,老廣告和芥末職位也顯示在博物館的畫廊。     今天,8月的第一個星期六,鎮的何烈山慶祝國家芥末日。本次活動揭開序幕,由現場樂隊的性能。客人在比賽和遊戲,如“榨菜命運之輪競爭。”免費熱狗,只要他們吃芥末!其他活動包括烹飪示範,使用芥末醬和芥末博物館免費參觀的。更有什者,當地的餐廳供應芥末冰淇淋勺。     芥末不僅擁有悠久而有趣的歷史,而且味道好極了。慶祝萬人空巷與您最喜愛的食物覆蓋的芥末醬今天!


關鍵字: mustarddistinctiveespeciallyMustardPass