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要設計一個硬幣,你必須先知道什麼是傳統一枚硬幣。通常情況下,一個硬幣的設計和寫作上的每個面是一個圓形的_36_。的一個面被稱為_37_的正面,或頭,另一種是反向,或尾巴。它是正面的,通常不承擔大量_38_的圖片。美國硬幣,通常會顯示一個總統的頭在正面。例如,英國的硬幣,將顯示一個蕭條的君主,在正面。你需要選擇一個合適自己的硬幣的正面圖片。也許這將是你自己,如果你正朝著自己的帝國。也許這將是你所敬仰的人 - 名人或歷史人物。也許你會選擇一張圖片,榮譽心愛的人。 為了完成你的硬幣的正面,你還需要挑選出一些更多的設計功能。在大多數國家,硬幣的鑄造,或作出之日起,通常會出現以下主畫面。在這個地方,所以,你可以把日期。該地區本身被稱為該處之刻記。您不必在這裡把一個日期。 _39_,你可以讓它空白。但是,這是一個好主意,把在該處之刻記的東西。你可以把你自己的特殊標記,_40_貴國的標誌或標記為自己的私人薄荷。這可以是任何你喜歡的。添加描述您的形象。你會想要把它沿外緣形成正面的圓。   *********************************************************************     To design a coin, you must first know what traditionally makes up a coin. Typically, a coin is a round piece of _36_ that has designs and writing on each face. One face is called the obverse, or heads, _37_ the other is the reverse, or tails. It is the obverse side that typically bears a large and _38_ picture. American coins will normally show the head of a president on the obverse. British coins, for example, will show a bust of the monarch on the obverse. You will need to select an appropriate picture for the obverse of your own coin. Maybe it will be yourself, if you are heading your own empire. Maybe it will be someone you admire--a celebrity or historical figure. Perhaps you will choose a picture that honors a loved one.     To finish your coin's obverse, you will also need to pick out some more design features. In most countries, the date the coin was minted, or made, usually appears just below the main picture. So you can put the date in this spot. The area itself is called the exergue. You do not have to put a date here. _39_ , you can leave it blank. But, it is a good idea to put something in the exergue. You can put your own special mark, _40_ the symbol of your country or the mark for your own private mint. This can be anything you like. Add a descrXXXiption to your image. You will want to put it along the outer edge of the circle that forms the obverse.


關鍵字: reversedescriptionexerguemakes up a coinobverseTypically