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  Tourism and ecology in Taiwan 台灣的旅遊與生態       I strongly surmise that Taiwan is a tranquil place that is better than anywhere else in the world. Some people may regard this notion as preposterous; nevertheless, it is true. There are copious amounts of recreational tracts of land here on this attractive island. Also, the government has changed some stenchy and putrescent lands into paradises, rendering heaps of wretched areas into arcs of beauty. Examples of this are Fudekeng Park in Taipei's Muzha District and Metropolitan Park in Nanzi in Kaohsiung. 我認真地猜想,台灣這塊寧靜而安詳的土地,比世界上任何角落都要來得美妙。人們或許對此不置可否;儘管如此,這卻是千真萬確的。在台灣這座充滿魅力的島嶼上,可供休閒遊憩的土地遍佈各地;除此之外,政府也將一些臭不可聞、腐物叢生的地方變成了地上樂園,讓許多髒亂不堪之地搖身一變成了美麗的景點,例如台北木柵區的福德坑公園,以及高雄楠梓都會公園。


關鍵字:TaiwanecologyFudekeng ParkMetropolitan Park