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主題:漫延 percolate 用法


percolate1. VERB (想法、感觉、信息)蔓延,逐渐流传 If an idea, feeling, or piece of informationpercolates through a group of people or a thing, it spreads slowly through the group or thing.  New fashions took a long time to percolate down. 新时尚要很长时间才能在大众中流行起来。 ...all of these thoughts percolated through my mind. 所有这些想法在我脑海中扩散 percolation There is no percolation of political ideas from the membership to the leadership. 政治观念不会从成员那里传到领导层。 2. V-ERG (用渗滤式咖啡壶滤煮) When you percolate coffee or when coffee percolates, you prepare it in a percolator. She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm. 她滤煮好咖啡,然后把羊角面包放进烤箱加热。 3. VERB 渗透;渗漏;渗入 To percolate somewhere means to pass slowly through something that has very small holes or gaps in it. Rain water will only percolate through slowly. 雨水只会慢慢地渗进来。
