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迅吃(cluttering):指的是語言混亂現象呈現語言的組織問題,構音困難,以及至少在表面上類似口吃般的語言不流暢。 以下摘錄迅吃者的說話表現特徵: 1.Racing thoughts 想法飛躍   •2.Rapid and/or irregular rate of speech 快速、不規律的口語 • 3.Leaving off the ends of words 字音結尾過快(聽起來每個字尾音都被"掐住"了) • 4.Omitting or distoring sounds or syllables (e.g., “elephant” becomes “elphant”; “orange” becomes “orng”) 構音有省略或歪曲 • 5.Words sound as if they are “running into each other” 字音與字音相連無分開 • 6.Lots of starts and stops in speaking 說話時有過多起頭及停頓 • 7.Excessive use of disfluencies such as “um”, “uh”, repeating or revising phrases, or repeating words; unlike stuttering, these disfluencies are not accompanied by struggle behaviors or muscular tension 過多嗯-啊-在片語或字詞中,但不像口吃著會伴隨扭曲動作或張力 • 8.Difficulty organizing thoughts and/or getting to the point 思考難有結構及重點 •9.Limited awareness of how one’s speech sounds to others 較無察覺自己說話問題 • 10.Difficulties slowing down even when asked to do so 難被要求慢下來 • 11.Tendency to interrupt conversational partner 容易打斷說話者 • 12.Words or ideas come out differently than intended 易說出和預期不同的字或想法 http://blog.xuite.net/raytchuang/raytchuangslpclinic/60246961-%E8%BF%85%E5%90%83%EF%BD%9E%E7%B5%90%E5%B7%B4%E7%9A%84%E5%BF%AB%E5%98%B4   口吃 1.節律異常中最常見的。 2.無一致的看法,但本人及(或)旁人都一致認定時,可判定其為口吃。 3.男生多於女生,大多在五歲以後才被鑑定出。 4.可能有遺傳傾向。 不同於非口吃者的特徵: 1.說話時表現得較吃力。 2.為了維持說話流利,會以較慢的速度說話。

