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 Which of the following sentence is correct?下面的句子,這是正確的? (A) According to the critics, the MTV awards ceremony was tasteless, according to the audience, it was better than ever. (一)根據的批評,MTV頒獎典禮上,無味,根據觀眾,這是比以往任何時候都好。 (B) According to the critics, the MTV awards ceremony was tasteless according to the audience, it was better than ever. (二)據批評,根據觀眾的MTV頒獎典禮上,無味,這是比以往任何時候都好。 (C) According to the critics, the MTV awards ceremony was tasteless, and according to the audience, it was better than ever.MTV頒獎典禮(三)根據批評,無味,並根據觀眾,這是比以往任何時候都好。 (D) According to the critics, the MTV awards ceremony was tasteless, but according to the audience, it was better than ever. (四)根據的批評,在MTV頒獎典禮無味,但根據觀眾,這是比以往任何時候都好。  


關鍵字: audience ceremony tastelessAccording to the criticsceremonycriticssentence