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主題:learning style


ave come from in the arid region? According to West’s theory, the vertical weathering was caused by rain. Therefore, the Sphinx must have been built thousands of years earlier when Egypt had a much rainier climate 請求修改答案 | 或  14(C) Some students learn best by acting our material to be learned, or moving around while learning. What type of learning style do they exhibit? (A) Auditory style (B) Visual verbal style (C) Kinesthetic style (D) Visual pictorial style 出於: 台北市95學年度公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試英語科#762 答案:C 難度:適中(0.531532) 統計:A(11),B(14),C(59),D(19),E(0) 個人化分析:A(0),B(0),C(2),D(0),E(0),疑問(0) 最佳解!   Pei Wen Jheng 國一上 (06/25 12:44):讚3人 Kinesthetic  動覺的 1F Garace Lin 小六上 (06/24 23:34):讚0人 why? 2F Pei Wen Jheng 國一上 (06/25 12:44):讚3人 Kinesthetic  動覺的 請求修改答案 | 或    Which of the following is NOT emphasized in Cooperative Learning? (A) positive interdependence (B) homogeneous grouping (C) individual accountability (D) learner-centered


關鍵字:learning styleAuditory styleVisual pictorial styleVisual verbal style