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關於試題: 1.If the client had come on time , these negotiations _________ completed by now. (A) would be (B) would have been (C) would not be (D) wouldn't have been 混和假設語氣子句與主句不一致的用法   If 主詞 +had p.p, 主詞 would +原型動詞  +now or today If the client had come on time 與過去事實相反   these negotiations _________ completed by now.   因位子句有now,所以語氣改成與現在事實相反,所以答案還是A 2.If plans _________ made sooner, Gilbert & Sons would be conducting the feasibility study for the Safeway Water Project by now. (A) were being (B) was being (C) had been (D) have been   [If + S + Ved (過去式)…], S + would/should/could/might + Vrt (原型動詞)….       If子句                                                    主要子句 = S + would/should/could/might + Vrt (原型動詞)…[ if + S + V e d (過去式)…].                 主要子句                                                                   If子句   與「過去事實相反」的假設語氣 [If + S + had Vpp(過去完成) …], S + would/should/could/might + h ave Vpp ….            If子句                                                                   主要子句 = S + would/should/could/might + have Vpp … [if + S + had Vpp(過去完成)…].              主要子句                                                                    If子句   答案應該不是C而是A 英文文法記憶 Few、a few、little、a little的使用牽涉到「可數名詞」和「不可數名詞」。  大部份的名詞是「可數名詞」,如人、獅子、蘋果等,可以很清楚地數出數目出來,就叫做「可數名詞」。  但有些東西太細小,如泥土,塵埃,以致很難數,根本無法數,就叫做「不可數名詞」,如「空氣、光線、愛國心、情感」等。 在可數名詞的前面我們用 a few 和 few,例如: few cars或a few countries  在不可數名詞的前面我們用a little 和 little,例如: little energy或 a little money  Little 和 few (前面不用a),表示否定的意思,例如: You must be quick. There is little time. (你要快一點,我們沒有多少時間。)He isn't popular. He has few friends.(他不是很有人緣,他沒有什麼朋友。)  A little 和 a few 是肯定的意思,例如:   Let's go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves.  (我們去喝一杯吧,離火車開車以前,我們還有一點時間。)I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.  (我喜歡住在這裡,我認識了一些朋友而且時常見面。)  一個句子要用「肯定」或「否定」來表現,完全是主觀的看法,與數量的多少無關,比方說:  I live in country side, but I still have a few friends.(我住在鄉下,但是我還是有不少朋友。)  I Know many people, but I have few really friends.(我認識很多人,卻沒有什麼真正的朋友。)  一個富翁會說:  I carry little money in my pocket right now.(我現在口袋裡沒帶多少錢。)  一個窮人卻會說:  I have a little money right now. I can lend you some. (我現在還有一點錢,我可以借你一些。)   if開頭的用法 1.與現在事實相反 If+S+過去式動詞,S+would(could ,should, might)+原型動詞 例如:If I were rich,I would help you. 因為現在我不有錢,所以是與現在事實相反的用法 2.與過去事實相反 If+S+過去完成式,S+would(could ,should, might)+have+p.p 例如:If he had told me the truth,I would not have made the mistake. 因為已經是過去的事了,所以假設句一律用完成式 3.與未來事實相反 表示對未來事情的假設,實際上絕不可能發生。 If+S+were to +V,S+would(could, should, might)+原型動詞 例如:If we were to live to be 200 years old,we could change everything. 4.現在或未來可能發生的狀況 If+S+現在式動詞,S+ 祈使句或will(can,may,shall )+原型動詞 例如:If it rains tomorrow,I shall not go.      

