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主題: ought to 的用法


§ 語氣助動詞 ought to 的用法:  1. ought 表示義務、責任,或應該,指現在或未來的時間。  He ought to feel ashamed of himself.  (他應該感到慚愧。)  You ought to leave early tomorrow morning if you want to catch   the first train.  (如果要趕上第一班火車,明天早上你就得早走。) 2. ought to have / should have + 過去分詞:  表示「過去該做而未做的事」。  We ought to have left for Tokyo before 10 o'clock last night.  (我們昨晚應該在十點前前往東京的。)  <本句所表達的是「但是我們沒這麼做」> ought to have / should have + 過去分詞亦可表示   「推測截至目前為止已完成的動作」。  The department store ought to have been close now.  (百貨公司現在應該已經打烊了。) 〔注意〕ought to 只用來表示現在時態,而沒有過去式。 〔補充〕否定句句型如下: 主詞 + ought not (= oughtn't) to+V(某人不應該…)  You ought not to tell a lie.(你不應該說謊。)


關鍵字:ought toashamedcatchdepartmentleaveleft ought notought to have should have過去分詞