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C沒有走步, OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2010 25.2.2  While moving: ▬ To pass or shoot for a field goal, the player may jump off a pivot foot and land on one foot or both feet simultaneously. 傳球或投籃時,可以由中樞足起跳,然後一足或雙足同時落地,   After that, one foot or both feet may be lifted from the floor but neither foot may be returned to the floor before the ball is released from the hand(s). 之後一足或雙足可以離地,惟在球未離手之前不得再著地。   ▬ To start a dribble, the pivot foot may not be lifted before the ball is released from the hand(s).   這是在2010年時改的,2006年國際規則的25.2.2還沒有第二段說明, 用意是要讓墊步合法化, 因為雙腳著地起跳的運動傷害發生機率較小.   國際規則的下載地址: http://www.fibaeurope.com/Default.asp?coid=%7B7F4DF291-DD7A-44D4-8E07-B83C68489594%7D&subimage=&do=download


關鍵字:OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2010一足或雙足不得再著地中樞足中樞足起跳之後一足或雙足可以離地傳球同時落地國際規則墊步合法化