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主題:not more than/ no more than與not less than/ no less than之間的差異


(C) set (D) given (C) set (D) given  cThe population of many Alaskan cities has _______doubled in the past three years. (A) more than (B) larger than (C) as large as (D) as many as   這題是考not more than/ no more than以及not less than/ no less than之間的差異。 第一個:more的部分   NOT more than:不多於;至多 (= at most)/不像…那樣;不到…的程度 (= not so…as)   She spent not more than 10 dollars. 她最多只花了十元。 I am not more foolish than you. 我不像你那麼笨。 NO more than:只不過:只有,僅有 (= only)/和…一樣不 (= not…any more than) He has no more than 5 dollars. 他只有5塊錢。 She is no more than a secretary. 她只不過是一名秘書而已。 I am no more a god than you (are). 我和你一樣不是神。 He is no more mad than we are. 他和我們一樣不瘋。  


關鍵字:no more thanmoreno less thannot less thannot more than