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pugilism  n. 名詞 拳擊 appendix    同義詞supplement, addendum, codicil, allonge跳過 » 1. 附錄, 附件 Appendixes to a book are worth consulting. 書的附錄值得查閱。 2. 附加物 3. (複數為appendixes)闌尾, 盲腸 He had his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis. 上個月他因患闌尾炎而切除了闌尾。 vt. 及物動詞 1. 加附錄於 The book is indexed and appendixed. 這本書後有索引和附錄。 parricide   n. 名詞 殺父母; 殺父(或母); 殺長輩; 叛逆 epigram    n. 名詞 [C] 1. 警句, 雋語 \"I can resist everything except temptation\" is a very interesting epigram. \"除了誘惑我什麼都能夠抵制\"是句非常有趣的雋語。 2. 機智的短詩; 諷刺短詩 The audience was amused by his speech full of epigrams. 聽眾被他充滿機智短詩的演講迷住了

