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試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員_專業職(二)內勤-櫃台業務類科(限身心障礙人士報考)甄試:英文#89606
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11. An oversupply of bananas has caused a great drop in prices. The government is urging purchase to ease the farmers’ ______.
(A) actions
(B) worries
(C) degrees
(D) bargains


12. The foreigner has studied Taiwanese hard in the hope of speaking it ______ and making friends with the locals.
(A) frankly
(B) friendly
(C) fluently
(D) formally


13. I just know there will be a meeting tomorrow, but I don’t know the ______ time when it will take place.
(A) common
(B) normal
(C) specific
(D) general

4( ).

14. My parents plan to live in the countryside and enjoy a relaxing ______ life when they become old.
(A) rural
(B) minor
(C) urban
(D) hectic


15. Lily ______ in fright the moment she saw a seagull flying toward her to snatch the food in her hand.
(A) chuckled
(B) screamed
(C) quarreled
(D) expanded


16. The teacher is ______ the possibility of effective teaching. So far, she has tried videos and field trips.
(A) avoiding
(B) exploring
(C) removing
(D) predicting


17. If you want to be happy, do not _____ in the past or worry about the future. Just focus on living fully in the present.
(A) dwell
(B) gather
(C) appear
(D) escape


18. An e-payment makes ______ possible to do our shopping without the use of checks or cash. What a great convenience!
(A) it
(B) us
(C) one
(D) that


19. Mr. Chen expects his kids to spend time ______ their hobbies rather than use their phones all day.
(A) pursue
(B) pursuing
(C) to pursue
(D) which pursues


20. As soon as the noisy flock of tourists came into the museum, they ______ by the guard right away.
(A) hushed
(B) had hushed
(C) were hushed
(D) were hushing


21. Many people feel more relaxed riding their bikes along the country roads than ______ in big cities.
(A) bikes
(B) biking
(C) to bike
(D) go biking

12( ).

22. In the orientation, the coach gave all the participants two minutes to briefly introduce ______ to the whole class.
(A) them
(B) theirs
(C) oneself
(D) themselves


23. Endorphins are ______ the body produces after you get some exercise. These chemicals give you a sense of happiness.
(A) how
(B) that
(C) what
(D) which


24. My mom gets up early every day ______ she can get our breakfast ready before we leave for school.
(A) so that
(B) in case
(C) so as to
(D) in order to

15( ).

25. Mr. Lee used to eat lots of junk food, but recently for the sake of his health, he ______ the bad habit and looks thinner now.
(A) was kicked
(B) will kick
(C) has kicked
(D) had kicked

16( ).

     In March, amid the worsening coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics were put off until 2021.The Games,   26   slated to kick off this summer, will now be held from July 23rd to August 8th, 2021. The Paralympic Games have also been delayed and will run from August 24th to September 5th, 2021.The  27   was announced following talks between Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach. The leaders agreed that the Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times   28   the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel. Accordingly, the Olympic flame will stay in Japan and the Games will still be known as the Tokyo 2020 Games.   29    the news is disappointing, the public is not surprised as the move seemed inevitable. This will be the first Olympics to   30   . Previously, three Games have been cancelled outright, in 1916, 1940, and 1944, due to the two world wars.

(A) originally
(B) reasonably
(C) particularly
(D) fortunately

17( ).

(A) disease
(B) kickoff
(C) concept
(D) decision

18( ).

(A) with that
(B) and that
(C) which
(D) on which


(A) Since
(B) Where
(C) Though
(D) Despite

20( ).

(A) postpone
(B) postponing
(C) be postponed
(D) have postponed

21( ).

     An annular solar eclipse happens when the moon covers the sun’s center, leaving the sun’s visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” around the moon. This can happen only twice this century, in 2020 and on June 21st , 2039. While people in Taiwan are lucky enough to witness the recent one, it is out of the question to see the latter as Taiwan will not be on the path shaded by the moon.
     Thanks to mostly sunny skies on June 21st this summer, people across Taiwan flocked to museums, parks and schools for guided solar eclipse watching or simply observed the event from street corners, using protective eye gear. The momentum was especially high in Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Nantou, Hualien and Taitung cities and counties, as well as the outlying islands of Penghu and Kinmen, as people there could witness the entire process of the eclipse.
     In Chiayi, the eclipse started at 2:49 p.m. and ended at 5:25 p.m., with the complete “ring of fire” taking place for less than a minute at 4:14 p.m., when 99 percent of the sun’s surface was blocked. The spectacle of the distinct stages of the eclipse drew crowds from across the country. According to intercity bus operator Kuo-Kuang Motor Transportation Company, passengers to Chiayi on Sunday were about 15 percent higher compared with the previous weekend.
     In Taipei, where only a partial solar eclipse was visible, around 10,000 people were estimated to have visited the Taipei Astronomical Museum. The last time the museum saw such heavy traffic was in July 2009, when a total solar eclipse took place. According to a museum official, the next time an annular solar eclipse covering such a large percentage of the sun will not be visible in Taiwan until June 28th, 2215. If you happen to miss this eclipse, don't despair. Visit our school website and you can watch the eclipse we have uploaded along with lots of information, images, and facts about this and other eclipses.

【題組】31. What does “the latter” refer to in the first paragraph?
(A) The annular solar eclipse in 2020.
(B) The annular solar eclipse in 2039.
(C) The ring of fire around the moon.
(D) The path that is shaded by the moon.

22( ).

【題組】32. Which of the following is true about the 2020 eclipse in Taiwan?
(A) It happened on different days from city to city.
(B) Many cities couldn’t see the eclipse due to a bad weather.
(C) People watched it with some eye protection.
(D) Only in Chiayi did people see the entire process of the eclipse.

23( ).

【題組】33. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “spectacle” in the third paragraph?
(A) Time.
(B) Scene.
(C) Traffic.
(D) Darkness.

24( ).

【題組】34. What do we learn from Taipei Astronomical Museum?
(A) People saw a perfect annular eclipse in Taipei in 2020.
(B) People in Taipei saw a total solar eclipse on June 21, 2009.
(C) As many as ten thousand people visit the museum every year.
(D) The next time to see an annular eclipse from Taiwan is 195 years from now.

25( ).

【題組】35. Who is most likely to be the writer of this article?
(A) A school teacher.
(B) A travel magazine editor.
(C) A Taipei Astronomical Museum official.
(D) A YouTuber who streams eclipses online.


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員_專業職(二)內勤-櫃台業務類科(限身心障礙人士報考)甄試:英文#89606-阿摩線上測驗
