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Dr. Heidi Larson 
Larson Veterinary Clinic 
9179 Highbury Ave. 
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-3862 

Dear Dr. Larson: 

Your accountant, Rusty Silhacek, is my neighbor. He mentioned that your office stays very busy, so I wondered if you could use some extra help. I would like to apply for a position as a part-time veterinary assistant. 

As far as animal care goes, I’m experienced in feeding, bathing,
exercising, and cleaning up after small and large animals. I truly love animals and have always given them special attention and care. I would be available to help after school and on weekends. 

I would be happy to come in for an interview at your convenience. You can contact me any weekday after 3:00 p.m. at 
523-4418. Thank you for considering my application. 

Andrea Rodriguez 

【題組】What is the purpose of this letter?
(A) to seek medical help
(B) to offer medical advice
(C) to contact a neighbor
(D) to apply for a job


Astronauts eat freeze-dried foods from plastic bags. Freeze-drying is a special __43__ that 
removes moisture from foods that have been quick-frozen. When food is treated in this way, it lasts for a long time without spoiling. It is also lightweight and easy to pack in a spacecraft, 
where every ounce and every inch count. When an astronaut is ready to eat, he uses a 
special__44__to inject water into the package. The water he injects replaces the __45__
moisture that was removed from the food. Now the freeze-dried food will taste__46__fresh food. The astronaut can use hot or cold water for his meal. He can have hot soups as well as cold drinks.  

(A) advice
(B) device
(C) notice
(D) service


    According to “pro-life” supporters, a fertilized human egg is a human being. Any effort to stop its development is murder. No one has the right to kill another human being, and so abortion, to end a pregnancy and kill a life, should not be legal. Moreover, pro-life groups often emphasize the importance of motherhood to women. They argue that abortion can do terrible damage to a woman’s body and mind.

     “Pro-choice” groups, on the other hand, support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. They argue that a woman has the right to control her body and to determine her future. Besides, as the majority of fertilized eggs are lost from the womb naturally and do not develop further, it is wrong to see an embryo or a fetus as a person, with a right to life.

【題組】48 According to the article, which of the following is “pro-life” supporters’ argument?
(A)Women who have an abortion will suffer physically and mentally.
(B)Motherhood is not important to women at all.
(C)Men love women who oppose abortion more than those who are for it.
(D)Men will have an affair if their wives have an abortion.


3 Jane was very happy that her speech last night attracted a large _____.
(A) audience
(B) circle
(C) auditorium
(D) people


43 Try to be _____, or you might easily have conflicts with others.
(A) rude
(B) patient
(C) active
(D) modern


36 His father was ______and put in jail as a result of his crime.
(A) arrested
(B) cheated
(C) elected
(D) protected


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
If you plan to travel from one country to another, you need to have a passport. A passport identifies you__ 46__ a citizenof a country and allows you to travel to foreign countries. In the late eighteenth century, a passport for anAmerican was usually a letter __47__     by the President of the United States. The person whose name was on thepassport __48__ with words. Here is an example from the early 1800’s: “Hair-black, curly; eyes-brown; nose- __49__ ;forehead-wrinkled; mouth-thin with big teeth; chin-pointed.” Today you must have a photograph on your passport.Sometimes those photos are not very good. __50__ , there is a joke about passport photos. That is, if you really looklike the picture on your passport, you certainly need a vacation!

(A) reduced
(B) denied
(C) knocked
(D) signed


11 Talking with your mouth full________not a polite thing to do.
(A) was
(B) are
(C) is
(D) were



Arithen Chang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了87分