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50. When someone thanks you for your help, you can answer: ___
(A) Yes, please.
(B)No chance.
(C) How funny.
(D) My pleasure.


40. ________ by eating less will you lose some weight.
(A) Only
(B) If
(C) That
(D) With


22. Possessing a skill can be more ____ than having a pretty diploma sometimes.
(A) better
(B) valuable
(C) impressed
(D) convenient


30. Professor Lee just can’t stand those sleepy students who ________ outright in his class.
(A) evacuate
(B) absorb
(C) spit
(D) yawn


19. The Engineering Department just purchased a lot of new ______.
(A) equipment
(B) tool
(C) facility
(D) installation


9. Simon: Eric won't come to the party, will he? John: __, but he'II be a little late.
(A) No, he won't
(B) Yes, he did
(C) No, he didn't
(D) Yes, he will 


24. I was told that I ____ my mother's side of the family. I know it is true now as I have my mother’s stubbornness.
(A) took after
(B) looked for
(C) came upon 
(D) ran over


28. Defined most broadly, folklore includes all the customs, beliefs, and traditions that people have ____ from generation to generation.
(A) handed in
(B) handed on
(C) handed down 
(D) handed off


四、開讀測驗 第一篇:
      Both late sleepers and early risers find the fixed hours of nine-to-five work day a problem. Now there is an answer that seems to please them both. Employees of over 500 businesses in the United States are changing their work hours to suit their individual needs. It's called 'flexible time" (flextime) and it means, for example, that employees can start wor rking at an ny time during ing the first three hours their office is is open completing their required daily working time. Early risers can begin to work at seven a.m., finish at three and n and leave after still have daylight time for shopping, picking up children at school, or recreation. Late sleepers need not report for work until 10 a.m.-but they must stay on their work until six in the evening.
      A bank official says, "Our employees like this system, and lateness has almost been eliminated." Fewer people are absent, and productivity has risen.

【題組】38. What is one of the businesses' benefits of the flexible work schedule?
(A) There is more time for lunch.
(B) The time passes by more quickly.
(C) Late sleepers have plenty of sleep.
(D) Hardly anyone is ever late for work.


四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Eating habits are influenced by environment, such as the climate and the availability of water and of plants or animals to serve as food. It is also influenced by the customs of eating passed down from generation to generation. The nomadic Arabs eat what they can transport and find in the desert. Fruits from oases, camel’s milk, goat’s cheese, rice, and a bit of meat may constitute the only meal of the day. These nomads sit close together and eat with their fingers, partaking from a common bowl. The Arabian nomads have a longstanding tradition of democracy and hospitality. For example, rich and poor eat similar food, and visitors are always offered coffee and invited to share the “common” meal. Another group of people who eat with their hands are the people of India. They are trained to use only the tips of the fingers of the right hand to touch food. It is a major social disgrace to eat with one’s left hand, or even to pick up one’s drink glass with the left hand, since the left hand is reserved for wiping one’s backside after using the restroom. Banana leaves are the only utensils required. These leaves are laid out on the floor in an area typically reserved for eating. In India people wash their hands and mouths before and after eating. As the economic situation changes in India, eating habits may change also. In many industrialized parts of India people now eat with forks and knives. In Mexican villages and in other rural areas in Latin America, the tortilla is used as an eating utensil in place of the fork or spoon. This custom is disappearing in urban areas. The tradition lives on in modern restaurants, especially in tourist areas of Mexico, where dining enthusiasts are offered large bowls of scoop shaped tortillas, which are fried to a crisp shape for dipping. Eating habits vary widely. Like other customs, they arise out of the environment where they are practiced. There is a close relation between eating habits and ways of living. When these ways change, many eating habits also change.
【題組】50. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) In some Mexican villages, the tortilla is used as a plate to hold one’s food.
(B) The rich and poor Arabian nomads usually eat similar food.
(C) To people of India, the right hand is the “dirty” hand.
(D) The Arabian nomads usually offer visitors a separate meal out of respect


