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30. I will loan you some money ______ you return it on time.
(A) as far as
(B) so you speak
(C) so much for
(D) so long as


As a college student, you are expected to attend class and speak up when the instructor asks a question. This is true for questions about the course material and for questions about your opinions and personal experience. Most instructors encourage their students to speak up and share their opinions, even when they disagree with something. Class participation is significant! When a college professor asks a question, he or she expects an answer almost immediately. If there is no response in three or four seconds, the professor thinks the students do not know the answer. In addition, a professor sometimes asks the students to do group discussions. He or she gives the students instructions, or rules to help control the behavior of the group, yet discussions often seem unorganized because two or three people speak at the same time, they interrupt each other, and sometimes they appear impolite. This is OK (except of the impoliteness); it is a natural part of classroom discussions. It would be nice if everyone in the group let one person speak and listened politely until that person finished, but that rarely happens in a typical class.
【題組】48. What is Not a professor's expectation of his or her students?
(A) Attending class.
(B) Being polite in group discussions.
(C) Sharing personal experience.
(D) Expressing agreements with everything


26.Please wait for a while. The salesman will explain to you ________.
(A)how the machine works
(B)how does the machine work
(C)how you to operate the machine
(D)how do you operate the machine


  When it was published in 1973,E.F. Schumacher’s book, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, made a lot of people think about the ways we make money, and what we use it for. Here is a quote taken from the book: 
  “A modem economist is used to measuring the ‘standard of living,by the amount of annual consumption, assuming all the time that a man who consumes more is ‘better off’ than a man who consumes less. A Buddhist economist would consider this approach excessively irrational: since consumption is merely a means to human well-being, the aim should be to obtain the maximum of well-being with the minimum of consumption. ... The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity. Modem economics, on the other hand, considers consumption to be the sole end and purpose of all economic activity.” 
  The quote makes sense to a lot of people who are tired of always working harder to buy things that don’t really make them feel a lot better. What do people really want, and what do they really need? Suppose someone decides that a bigger or better television would make life more enjoyable. Perhaps. But what does the person have to pay for that TV? It’s not just the money; it’s the lost hours spent earning that money. 
  In any case, a family decides to buy a big television for the living room. But then the parents decide that they want a second television for their bedroom. What happens? They all can’t watch both televisions at the same time. Perhaps one person in the family watches the one in the bedroom, while someone else watches the one in the living room. But then they are missing out on the happiness of being together as a family. There are lots of things we do that don’t really improve our lives.

【題組】43. A Buddhist economist feels that the approach of a modem economist is_.
(A) sensible
(B) applicable
(C) pragmatic
(D) unreasonable


15. All branch stores are required to fill out the _ report to check if there is enough merchandise on shelf and in stock.
(A) finance
(B) inquiry
(C) customs
(D) inventory  


(一) One of the keys to the success of Toyota’s lean production and continuing improvement processes is that they are not formulaic to the point that they limit employee innovation. Instead, they are quite the opposite, serving as guides designed to unleash previously untapped employee potential. In Toyota, principles should remain the same but methods for reaching objectives should constantly change: What works today can always be improved upon. Therefore, a central element of maintaining the same culture at Toyota year after year is encouraging employees to find different and new ways of contributing. 
       Many who study Toyota’s way of working are often initially surprised at the lack of specific, step-by-step, how-to instructions. But the Toyota culture is intended to draw upon the creative abilities of employees; if the processes were put into a manual featuring steps 1, 2 and 3,then people would likely follow the steps robotically, doing their job each day precisely the same way they did it the day before. The Toyota system is teaching people to think for themselves and find a better way to do the job, and to take individual ownership.

【題組】43. In Line 3,the underlined phrase “to unleash previously untapped employee potential” implies that
(A) less control over employees,creative doings brings out greater employee contribution
(B) putting employees on a leash is to tap on employees’ unknown abilities
(C) employees have great potential except unleashing themselves
(D) previously employed personnel cannot be unleashed for more contribution


30. The latest model _______ a facial recognition technology that can provide better protection.
(A) decorates
(B) refrains
(C) features
(D) pollutes


52. Living in a big city, Ted _____ sees stars.
(A) roughly
(B) briefly
(C) scarcely
(D) gradually


16. A petty crime might be forgivable; however, small shoplifting is one thing, but breaking into houses is ________.
(A) another
(B) other
(C) the other
(D) others


1. The recently released movie ______ the difficulties people experienced during World War II and shows the cruelty of war.
(A) cultivates
(B) portrays
(C) encounters
(D) abolishes


  Newspapers have traditionally been made from wood for many years. But what would happen if the process were reversed? Could wood be made from newspapers to complete the full cycle? A Dutch designer sought out the answer to this question. 
  Mieke Meijer was a student when she first began exploring a way to extend the life of newspapers and make something useful from waste. The result of her project was the creation of a new material called NewspaperWood, which reversed the traditional wood-to-paper process and results in a wood-like product from recycled newspapers. She later joined a design team that helped her simplify the process so that it was less time-consuming and less complicated. The process of making NewspaperWood involves coating each sheet of newspaper with environmentally friendly glue and then rolling the sheets up together tightly to form logs. The logs are then milled into planks just like wood. The result is a product that can be sanded, nailed, cut, and treated just like any other wood product. It can be used to make many items but cannot be used for largescale construction. If you cut open a NewspaperWood log, you can see the layers of paper that look like the lines of grain in a piece of real wood.     NewspaperWood is not invented to be a replacement for wood. It aims at making use of the surplus of waste paper and creating something more valuable out of it. Meijer calls the process “upcycling.”   NewspaperWood is being used by several designers to create products ranging from small pieces of jewelry to larger pieces of furniture.

【題組】48. Which two of the following statements are True? (本題為複選題)
(A) Mieke Meijer worked alone to design products from NewspaperWood.
(B) NewspaperWood is not a suitable material for the construction of skyscrapers.
(C) NewspaperWood is now a useful material for a variety of products.
(D) The process of making NewspaperWood has always been the same.


