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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(891~895)
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39.The Internet is rapidly ________ the TV as the most popular form of home entertainment.
(A)taking place of
(B)in use of


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
Are you one of the millions of people who call themselves a chocoholic? Do you get weak in the knees when you walk past a chocolate shop? Do you fall victim to midnight chocolate cravings? Don’t worry, there’s no judgment here. 

Chocolate does indeed feel addictive, and here’s why: When we eat sweet or high-fat foods, our brains get as happy as our taste buds. Sugary and fatty foods cause the brain to release serotonin, which helps stabilize our moods and ward off depression. And because these foods activate the pleasure centers in the brain, studies show that people can become dependent on sugar and fat in their food. 

But does chocolate fit the true definition of addictive? Let’s look at the science. Three components make up addiction—an intense craving, a loss of control over the object of that craving, and the continued use of that object despite negative consequences. Studies show people can exhibit these behaviors with certain foods. The studies even showed similar brain activity between drug addicts and participants presented with chocolate milkshakes. However, these situations are extreme and don’t account for the majority of the population. 

Another study conducted in 1994 on some chocolate lovers showed interesting results. Participants were given packets to eat whenever they experienced a chocolate craving. Some packets contained chocolate, some white chocolate (which does not contain the active elements of chocolate), and some a tasteless capsule filled with cocoa. By scientific reasoning, if chocolate is indeed addictive, the capsules with cocoa should be enough to fill the chocoholic need. They didn’t. Participants chose the white chocolate over the capsules, even though it contained none of the compounds of regular chocolate. 

The general consensus is that we crave and seek out chocolate simply because it tastes really, really good—not because it’s addictive. In a weight-obsessed culture, many of us have learned to see it as a forbidden pleasure, which makes us want it more. And that’s why it feels so very addictive.

【題組】43 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about chocolate cravings?
(A)It is the taste of chocolate that people crave.
(B)Cultural influences play some role in the cravings.
(C)Many people find it hard to resist chocolates.
(D)Chocolate is the most sought after snack in the US.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

    If you charted the incidence of depression since 1950, the lines suggest a growing epidemic. Depending on what assumptions are used, clinical depression is 3 to 10 times as common today than two generations ago. A recent study by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School estimated that each year, 1 in 15 Americans experience an episode of major depression--meaning not just a bad day but depression so debilitating that it’s hard to get out of bed. Money jangles in our wallets and purses as never before, but we are basically no happier for it, and for many, more money leads to depression. How can that be?

    Of course, our grandmothers, many of whom lived through the Depression and the war, told us that money can’t buy happiness. We don’t act as though we listened. Millions of us spend more time and energy pursuing the things money can buy than engaging in activities that create real fulfillment in life, like cultivating friendships, helping others and developing a spiritual sense.

    We say we know that money can’t buy happiness. In the TIME poll, when people were asked about their major source of happiness, money ranked 14th. Still, we behave as though happiness is one wave of a credit card away. Too many Americans view expensive purchases as "shortcuts to well-being," says Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. But people are poor predictors of where those shortcuts will take them.

    To be sure, there is ample evidence that being poor causes unhappiness. For example, studies by Ruut Veenhoven, a sociologist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, show that the poor--those in Europe earning less than about $10,000 a year--are rendered unhappy by the relentless frustration and stress of poverty.

【題組】47 Many of our grandmothers lived through the Depression and the war and they told us that money can’t buy happiness. What is our response to their advice?
(A)We listen attentively.
(B)We are convinced that money can’t buy happiness.
(C)We engage in activities that create real fulfillment in life.
(D)Millions of us spend more time and energy pursuing the things money can buy.


9 Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are rich _______ countries: they make and export many high-quality goods, including cars, watches, and electronics.
(A) developing
(B) historical
(C) industrial
(D) tropical


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      According to two recent studies, the annual cost of workplace absence in the U.K. has risen to 10.5 billion pounds, with 500 people   41   employment every week because of work-related injury or illness. Ill health is now the main   42   of joblessness in the U.K., with repetitive strain injury, back strain, and stress the three top reasons for absence. One study found that employees took an average of 7.8 days off work through sickness last year, a   43   from 8.5 days the previous year. “Absence is a huge cost to business—the worst performing firms have twice the absence rates of the best ones,” said one research unit. Many companies believe   44   to 15% of absences are not genuine. Overindulging in alcohol is the main reason for pulling a sickie, one survey has found. A third of British   45   would call in sick after a drunken night. But more than half said they would think again if their pay was cut.

(A) below
(B) in
(C) up
(D) with


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(891~895)-阿摩線上測驗
