

23. Which statements regarding cyclic voltammetry of a reversible reaction (O + ne- → R) are FALSE ?
(A) The peak anodic and peak cathodic currents are similar in magnitude.
(B) The half-wave potential lies midway between the potentials, at which the peak anodic and peak cathodic currents occur.
(C) The reaction proceeds fast enough to deplete the concentrations of the reactant and product at the surface of the electrode.
(D) The peak cathodic current of the first forward sweep is proportional to the log (analyte concentration).
(E) The potentials at which the peak anodic and peak cathodic currents occur are separated by 57.0/n mV at 25℃.

難度: 計算中

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23. Which statements regarding cyclic vo..-阿摩線上測驗