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54. 對於脊柱或頸部受傷患者,下列何者不是適當的處理原則?
(A)如無合用的器材,需 2 人作徒手搬運

78. 一般企業採購循環流程何者正確?
(A) 採購單→請購單→進貨單
(B) 請購單→採購單→進貨單
(C) 請購單→進貨單→採購單
(D) 採購單→退貨單→進貨單。

第四題: 甲出國之前將其所有之 A 屋委請友人乙代為照顧看管,不料乙於甲出國不到一個月, 即擅以自己的名義將 A 屋出租予丙,租金每個月新臺幣 2 萬元,半年後甲回國才發覺此事。 請問:

【題組】 (一)甲對丙主張自己才是 A 屋的所有權人而請求丙給付租金是否有理由?【12 分】

5. (25%) A pipeline transporting cold water is surrounded by stagnant air that is both hot and hurnid, and moisture continually di ffuses to the cold surface of the pipe to form condensation. The condensed water forms a liquid film around the pipe, which drops off. At a distance of 10 cm from the exterior of the pipe, the relative humidity is constant, while close to the pipe the moisture content approaches the vapor pressure of water evaluated at the temperature of the pipe.

【題組】(c) What is the simplified forn of Fick's flux equation for water vapor, NA? ( 5 pts)

51 184.下列哪一個網域名稱是提供給公司行號使用的?
(A) .edu
(B) .gov
(C) .org
(D) .com

37. 下列何者非屬於工作場所作業會發生墜落災害的潛在危害因子?
(B) 未確實配戴耳罩

三、英文作文: (35 分)
 Write a well-organized essay in about 250 words, with a title, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion to respond to the following question. People attend graduate schools for different reasons, for example, life- changing education, new experience, career preparation, or professional knowledge. Why do people attend graduate schools in Taiwan? Remember to use specific reasons and examples to elaborate your answer.

39. 下列何種方法是以成本為基礎而制定產品價格?

甲對乙負有1000萬元債。為保該債務,分別由甲、丙、丁提供其各自所有之不動產· B、C供乙設定均為第一次序之抵押權;此外,W對甲有200萬元、X及Y對丙分别有300 萬元及200萬元 對有80萬元之一般債桃。因甲未能於清償期屆至時清償對乙所负債 務,乙乃同时請拍賣A、B、C,拍定價額依序為200萬元、700萬元、300萬元。 於上述所有債權均屆清償期的情形下,乙、W、X、Y、九自拍賣A、B、C所得價額中,各得 分配到多少金額?