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    81.動保法規定,虐待動物最重可處 1 年以下有期徒刑或拘役,併 科 10 萬元至 100 萬元罰金。主管機關得公布其姓名、照片、違法 事實。

    1.人工濕地(Constructedwetlands)是應用生態工程概念及知識發展出最為成功的例子, 是重要的生態工程技術之,請回答以下關於人工濕地的問題:(共50分)


    35. The product of the following reaction immediately undergoes a dimerization at room temperature. What is the structure of the dimer? 


           Several years ago, managers of the American store Walmart discovered some surprising information from their sales records. They found that when customers bought diapers, they often bought beer at the same time. This was because American housewives with newborn babies often called their husbands at work and had them buy diapers; they often picked up some beer as well. After discovering this, Walmart rearranged its stores. It placed diapers and beer closer together. Soon afterward, sales of both items began to increase. 
          This is just one successful example of how stores improve sales by analyzing consumer behavior. They study their computerized inventory records to find out what products people buy most often or when they buy certain products. Sales records can also be used in conjunction with other types of research, such as market surveys or psychological studies. For instance, many stores take psychology into consideration when they decide where to place special sale items. The best location is often near the middle or rear of the store, rather than right up in front. This way, as customers look for the sale item, they will have to pass by many other products, some of which will end up in their carts.
           Psychologists have also found that customers buy more when they hear certain types of music in a store. In addition, they know that customers tend to make last-minute decisions just before they pay for their purchases. This is why stores place small, inexpensive items such as candy or batteries close to the cash register. Magazines are also frequently placed in the same place; as waiting to pay, people may flip through a magazine and then decide to buy it. 
          Studies of consumer behavior can be expensive and time-consuming. It is only large department stores or chain stores that can afford them. But even small shops can benefit if they simply pay attention to the buying habits of their customers. And, of course, customers can also benefit if they understand their own buying behavior. With the knowledge, they can avoid spending more than they originally plan to.

    【題組】46. What is the subject matter of this passage?
    (A) The latest fashion.
    (B) Grocery shopping.
    (C) Psychology studies.
    (D) Consumer behavior.

    四、熱液礦床經常伴隨換質作用,請舉兩種常見的換質作用,說明其成因與特性。(20 分)

    46. 將生產機器組成所謂的機器群,有什麼好處?
    (D)以上皆 是。

    四、請舉一種食品重金屬污染,以實證(evidence-based)的角度訂定其檢驗 方法,(10 分)且定出其容許範圍並說明理由。(15 分)

    三、甲為某機關文書組辦事員,辦理發文作業。因工作得知該機關將以最有利標方式辦 理勞務採購,乃告知其配偶有此投標機會,並透露評選委員名單及地址。甲之配偶 有意投標,即拜訪某ㄧ評選委員洽談該採購案事宜,該評選委員警覺並立刻檢舉。 試問,甲及其配偶可能涉及那些法律責任?(25 分)