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三、試以化學立體結構,說明(-) -epinephrine 與(+) -epinephrine 於呈現血管收縮作用之差 異原因。(10 分)

24. 關於技能練習上,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A) 普通金屬板可用加壓或鎚打的方法來改變形態。
(B) 所謂FRP就是以玻璃纖維來強化樹脂輕便又強固的塑膠成品。
(C) 紙的加工方法可以剪裁、雕刻和摺疊。
(D) 所有的塑膠材料都可以用加熱或浸溫水的方法來改變形態。

在多元族群(Ethnic Groups)構成的政治社會中,族群間的衝突常成為社會治安的問題來源之一,試論述族群互動及衝突的主要模式為何?並試以台灣地區為例,提出適合我國社會的族群融合政策。

15. 日光燈管的編號 FL40W 其中"W"表示

2018年10月2日,沙烏地阿拉伯籍,美國華盛頓郵報記者「賈馬爾·艾哈邁德・哈紹吉」(Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi)進入沙國駐土耳其伊斯 坦堡總領事館後,隨即失蹤。同月20日沙國政府承認哈绍吉已於領事館內死亡,但宣稱他是沙國通缉犯,因與領事館內安全人員發生衝突、互毆致死。土耳其政府於調查後指控沙國政府高層派遣15人謀殺小组在館内活生生肢解、殺害哈紹吉。假設有充分證據足以證明土國政府之指控屬實,請問:

【題組】(2)假設土國政府如發現涉嫌殺人的上述15人(假設均不具沙 國外交或領事人員身分)中,有5人仍躲藏在沙國領事館内,另10 人則在沙國致境內。土國政府就哈绍吉遇害事件,能否主張有刑事審判權?如可,應如何逮捕拘提上述15人到案接受審判?(20分)

20. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the major metabolic functions of liver?
(A) Bile production to facilitate lipid digestion and absorption.
(B) Both synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids.
(C) Synthesis of triacylglycerols and phospholipids.
(D) Conversion of ketone bodies into acetyl-CoA, which then enters the Krebs cycle and be oxidized for energy production.
(E) Both synthesis and metabolism of plasma lipoproteins.


(3) (Please sce Fig. 3) The homogeneous sphere of mass m and radius r is projected along the incline of angleθ with an initial speed v0 and no angular velocity (ω0 = 0). If the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are μs and  μk, respectively, determine the time duration t of the period of slipping (10%). In addition, find the velocity v of the mass center G and the angular velocity ω at the end of the period of slipping.(7% and 8%, respectively)

III. Reading Comprehension (Each 2%, Total 30%) From its inception, children’s literature had in it an unusual educational function, which is to show horror and dire consequences in order to lead one into a certain pattern. Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China, for instance, relied on brutal intimidation to frighten children into docile behavior. In the story, Yeh-Shen was disfavored by her stepmother, and had to take care of all the house chores. At the village where Yeh-Shen lived, a festival would be held in springtime. All young men and women would like to attend the festival since it provided them with a chance to meet other youths, and possibly further spouse. As the festival was approaching, Yeh-Shen longed to go. But, her stepmother forbade her to leave the house. Desperately, she asked help from the magic bones that her fish friend left to her before. Immediately, she was transformed into a beauty. That night at the festival, everyone marveled at her prettiness. However, in order to hide from her stepmother and stepsister, she ran away from the party. She therefore lost one of her slippers. She had to find her shoe and return to the bones; otherwise, the bones would no longer have any responses to her. When she went to take her lost shoe back, her beauty attracted the prince. Eventually, the prince asked for her hand in marriage. As she was rewarded for her good heart, hard work, and inner beauty, her stepmother and stepsister were crushed to death in a shower of stones because of their wickedness and malice. In short, through a combined representation of a good girl and a wicked stepsister, this tale promotes a pedagogy of fear and terror through images of death and disaster to pave the path for children to move into their expected roles.
【題組】37. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Yeh-Shen has two stepsisters
(B) Yeh-Shen’s father is an official
(C) Yeh-Shen is a Chinese daughter
(D) Yeh-Shen is one of Cinderella’s sisters-in-law

一、新公共管理(New Public Management)論述自 1980 年代隨著新自由主義 之盛行,成為當代調整福利服務輸送體系的主要論點之一。試舉例說明經 費來源、服務委託者、服務提供者與服務使用者之間的關係。(25 分)

壹、針對印刷用紙試回答以下問題。(共 15 分)

【題組】(2)紙漿纖維受抄紙機慣性運動,依其纖維排列方向可分為橫紋紙與縱紋紙,請說明對印刷的影響。(10 分)