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20.下文中有一個錯別字,何者是正確的修改? 莫內自出機杼的畫風,有別於當時多數畫家的墨守古典繪畫成規。他善於捕捉戶外光線閃爍的瞬間印相,讓作品呈現色 彩斑斕的豐富變化。

IV. (6%) A cloning vector possesses three essential features including original of replication, selectable marker, and a multiple cloning site or a polylinker. Why are these three features so important for a cloning vector?

四、您是一位運輸規劃師,受命研提「偏鄉公共交通服務計畫」,試以系統 分析程序說明各步驟內容、工作項目與分析方法。(25 分)

2.Influencer marketing has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic as individuals have turned to online channels and platforms to fulfll their needs and spent more time on social media. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018), social media influencers are those who "have the potential to create engagement, drive conversation, and/or sell products/services with the intended target audience; these individuals can range from celebrities to more micro-targeted professional or nonprofessional peers." Social media influencers may engage in activities that serve as a part of persuasive communication and they are assumed to have a strong effect on their followers' decision- making. With regard to the growing phenomenon, please use relevant theories to explain how factors related to the source, message, and audience may impact the efticacy of influencer marketing. (35%). Given the covert nature of influencer marketing, what are the ethical aspects of the tactic that should be addressed? (15%)

第三題: 我國對房地產稅採地價稅與房屋稅分別課徵,房屋稅除有俗稱囤房稅之多屋稅外,地價稅本身於土地稅法本有採累進稅率之設計。請問地價稅基本稅率為何?【3 分】何謂累進起點地價?【7 分】地價總額超過累進起點地價分別適用不同級距地價稅率規定為何?【15 分】

37. 下列關於植物葉綠素的敘述,何者正確?
(A) 主要吸收綠色光線進行光合作用
(B) 植物有葉綠素a與葉綠素c
(C) 進行循環式電子傳遞鏈產生NADPH
(D) 主要由H2O提供電子來源


第二題: 下面兩個檔案為 ASP.NET 以 C#製作的網頁程式,請問:php3difDL.pngphpsxhb3J.pngphpUmv6zY.png

【題組】(二)該程式執行後網頁會呈現什麼結果?【5 分】

二、批判性思考(critical thinking)在科技發達及資訊豐富的時代更顯重要性。 何謂「批判性思考」?批判性思考的內涵為何?如何提升學生的批判性思考能力?(25 分)