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Passage 3
       The concept of personalized medicine is rooted in understanding the thousands of genes that make us unique individuals. This innovative approach to healthcare relies on exploring the human genome-the complete set of an individual's genes--to predict disease susceptibility based on genetic risk factors and to observe cellular responses to disease. The ultimate goal is to tailor medical treatments according to the individual's unique genetic makeup. Personalized medicine can be traced back to the mid-19th century when the concept of inherited traits was first established. As scientific understanding evolved, by the early 20th century, researchers began to associate specific genes with the likelihood of developing certain diseases. This newfound knowledge prompted the question: could this genetic information be utilized to devise more effective, individualized drug prescriptions? While the concept of personalized medicine was gaining attention, it was far from being fully realized. Recognizing the significance of understanding the human genome, the United States initiated the Human Genome Project in 1990. The project aimed to map all the genes within the human body, and by its completion in 2003, roughly 24,000 genes had been identified. Today, scientific exploration continues to deepen our understanding of gene interactions and the potential of personalized medicine. Nowadays, patients are increasingly seeking genetic consultation to create personalized gene maps to gauge their predisposition to diseases. Physicians are utilizing this knowledge to anticipate health issues and to devise treatments or preventative strategies that are most likely to succeed for the individual patient. The advent of personalized medicine has sparked a range of reactions in the medical community. There are skeptics with valid concerns, such as the reliability of the results. However, the predominant view is that personalized medicine holds the promise to revolutionize healthcare. As research continues, it will become clearer whether this approach truly provides significant benefits.

【題組】48. The Human Genome Project was a study that aimed to_________.
(A) create human genes for modification
(B) map all the genes within the human body
(C) compare genes throughout history
(D) use human genes to create medicine

第一題: SAP ERP的基本流程包含採購、生產與銷售。

【題組】(二)請說明銷售流程(Sales Process)的基本步驟。【9分】

一、交通部民用航空局派員檢查航空器所有人或使用人之作業,有那些情形 應停止其飛航?(25 分)

7. 若1為機油濾清器、2為主軸承、3為連桿大端軸承、4為油底殼、5為機油泵、6為汽 缸壁、7為主油道,則此引擎機油的潤滑流程應為何?
(A) 152736
(B) 4517236
(C) 4571326
(D) 4576123


12.受到禽流感與極端氣候的影響,某國雞蛋價格高漲,一顆蛋的市場價格超過 10 元以上,卻依然有民眾買不到。該國政府為了解決國內蛋荒,推出數項政策。下列哪項政策最無助於紓解蛋 荒問題?

物件構成 請以身上攔帶及桌面範圍內可利用之物件(包含自己的手),組構出一組空間關係,進而透過素描方式表現之,請注意其中構圖的韻味、 光影的層次、與整體表現的創意。

二、何謂國際安全管理章程(ISM CODE)規定所需建立的安全管理系統(SMS)?請列出該章程在其目的上,應特別注意的事項?與公司安全經營管理制度在功能需求上所應包括的項目為何?

Question 3. What do you understand by the term 'Perennialism', in the context of the given comprebension passage? [8%]
(A) It refers to something which is of ceaseless importance.
(B) It refers to something which is quite unne ecessary.
(C) It refers to something which is abstract and theoretical.
(D) It refers to something which existed in the past and no longer exists now.

9. 燃氣渦輪機利用一個小型燃燒器產生高溫高壓的燃氣,直接衝擊於高壓渦輪機的葉片使其旋 轉,待空氣吸進後再供應燃油至燃燒器,點火燃燒產生燃氣,推動渦輪機繼續運轉的方式,謂之下 列什麼起動方式?
(A) 燃燒起動
(B) 電力起動
(C) 空氣或蒸汽起動
(D) 衝擊起動