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11. 下列對於創業精神的描述,何者有誤?
(A)創業精神只存在中 小期的企業,並不會出現在大型企業
(B)承擔風險為創業家 精神的表現之一
(C)創業精神經常會被連結到冒險、創新、 變革等名詞

二、如圖二中所示,水平桿  的速度繞著直立軸旋轉,θ及 t 的單位分別 為 rad./sec 及 sec.。該水平桿上套裝一個 2.45 N 的軸環(collar)B,同時於 O 點有 條長度為 0.45 m 的繩子繫著該軸環,該繩的斷裂拉力(breaking force)為 18 N。忽 略摩擦效應,於該繩斷裂的瞬間,試問:

【題組】⑵繩子作用於軸環的橫向力(transverse force)? (10 分) 提示: θ θ θ θ a r r e r r e

三、假設佑弘(股)公司是一家生產虛擬實境(VR)穿戴裝置的高科技公司,目前正值市場 對 VR 產品需求最夯的時刻,公司預估自今年起的每股盈餘(EPS)將大幅成長,前三年的 平均成長率是 30%,第四年起的平均成長率是 15%,直到未來。已知該公司去年的 EPS 是 $2,股利支付率過去以來一直是 60%,市場上另一家營運風險相似的耀揚公司股票的報酬 率大約是 18%,則請您根據股利折現(Discounted Dividend)法評估佑弘公司股票今年的 合理價格是多少?(請列出您的計算過程)(10 分)

二、鋼軌接頭須具備那些工程特性要求?依接頭在兩平行鋼軌之相對位置可分為那兩大類?並請說明其特性與優缺點。(20 分)

29. AM 調變器其輸出訊號為 U(t)=5 cos 1800πt+20 cos 200πt+5 cos 2200πt,則其載波訊號 c(t)的頻率為何?
(A) 900 Hz
(B) 1000 Hz
(C) 1100 Hz
(D) 2000 Hz

8. 反應曲面法(RSM)二次模型 ANOVA 分析,FA 值= _________。


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: What’s so bad about being a target online tracked by advertisers? If you don’t mind being watched by trackingcompany employees while you’re purchasing or logging into your account on websites, you are not involved in thefuss. In the past few years, a dispute has illustrated. Advertisers collected such fine-grained information about you suchas the websites you frequent, what kind of products you’re interested and even some private stuff like political views,health problems, and personal finances. Should advertisers have explicit permission to track people andsend behavioral ads? In 2010, America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommended a proposal that consumers should be given asimple “Do Not Track” (DNT) option by Internet browsers. Consumers could tell advertisers whether they want to befollowed or not. FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would make a start onresponding to DNT requests. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Apple’s Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla’s Firefoxoffered to implement DNT in top gear. Ironically, nowadays some privacy-conscious users may be offended by thenew release of Google Chrome for iOS disables DNT in order to have better speed and fewer crashes. Microsoft usedto say that Internet Explorer 10 would have DNT as a default; the company is reversing its standard now: DNT will notturn up as a default feature in its new browsers. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige advertisers to stop tracking, although some self-restrained companies havepromised to do so. It is much harder to distinguish whether someone is really against behavior ads or whether theystick with “interest-based” ads. Some users may ignore DNT and press on anyway. Advertisers honor DNT but arguethat the decision should be up to users but not by browser vendors. Based on the voluntary principle of “Do NotTrack,” Microsoft, Chrome and Firefox leave “Do Not Track” off by default. Whether consumers turn DNT on or offis not probably important all that much. After all, using tools like Disconnect Ad Blocking and add-ons like Ghosteryand uBlock are more effective if online users want to make sure that they aren’t tracked.
【題組】 16 According to the passage, what is DNT for?
(A)It effectively blocks the tracks of online advertisers for the users.
(B)It helps advertisers track users and provide better online services.
(C)It avoids complaints from the advertisers for tracking users online.
(D)It sends signals to advertisers that the user does not want to be tracked.


4. 依據輻射防護人員管理辦法規定,發生哪些情形,主管機關得廢止或撤銷輻射防護人員之認可證書;並自廢止或撤銷日起多少期限內不得重新申請?