

       A German Requiem by the composer Johannes Brahms is a very important and famous piece of classical music. It is a large work for orchestra, choir and solo singers. The music has seven movements or main sections.
       Brahms wrote this requiem between 1865 and 1868. A requiem is a type of religious composition that remembers and honors people who have died. However, Brahms’ work is a bit different from traditional requiem masses because the lyrics are taken from the German Luther Bible instead of the usual Latin texts.
       The main purpose of A German Requiem is to provide comfort and consolation to the living people who are grieving for their deceased loved ones. The lyrics focus on ideas like finding rest, faith in eternal life after death, and the temporary nature of earthly suffering. The overall tone is one of peacefulness, hope and acceptance rather than sadness or fear of death.
       One of the most well-known and beloved sections is the fourth movement which begins “How lovely is thy dwelling place.” This tranquil section depicts the soul finding its home in heaven. Another highlight is the opening movement with the lyrics “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
       When it was first performed, some critics disapproved of Brahms using a non-church, non-Latin text for a requiem. But over time, audiences came to deeply appreciate the humanistic and deeply felt emotions expressed in this profoundly moving musical work. Today, A German Requiem is considered one of Brahms’ greatest masterpieces and a pinnacle of 19th century Romantic choral music.

【題組】39. What does the word their refer to in the third paragraph?
(A) The dead people.
(B) The living people.
(C) The writers of the Bible.
(D) The lyricists of A German Requiem.

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