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Ten Minutes from Home is about how a New Jersey family struggles to come together after being shattered by tragedy. The _____ and heartrending?? account of the protagonist’s life resonates among readers with a similar experience.  (A) recalcitrant (B) ephemeral (C) poignant (D) inexorable (A)頑抗的 (B)短暫的  (C)辛酸的  (D)無動於衷的 Ten Minutes from Home是關於一個新澤西州的家庭,歷經悲劇被拆散後,奮力團聚的故事._____和鼓舞人心的描述,   引起有類似經歷的讀者共鳴。 (heartrending查無此字, 應該是heartening  鼓舞人心的)  heartrending   adj 1: causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter" [syn: {grievous}, {heartbreaking}, {heartrending}]  


關鍵字:ephemeral heartrendinginexorable poignantrecalcitrant