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主題:rascal/villainy/ banal/ heinous/ offhand


  rascal  同義詞devil, little devil, puck, minx n. 名詞 [C] 1. 流氓, 無賴, 惡棍 That rascal broke the window of my car.  那個無賴把我的車窗玻璃打碎了。 2. 【幽】淘氣鬼, 搗蛋鬼 My sons are a pair of rascals at times. 我的兩個兒子有時候是一對淘氣鬼。 villainy n.【文】 1. 邪惡; 兇惡[U] 2. 惡行; 壞事[P] banal a. 形容詞 平庸的; 陳腐的 heinous a. 形容詞 可憎的; 兇惡的 offhand ad. 副詞 1. 即席地, 不假思索地, 未經準備地 Offhand, I would guess that this car repair will cost US$1, 500. 讓我現在隨口說, 我猜這部車要花一千五百美元修理費。 Offhand, I would say that there were one hundred people present at the dinner party. 讓我隨口說說, 我想有一百人出席了宴會。 I can\'t give an answer offhand. 我不能即刻給答覆。 a. 形容詞 1. 即席的, 不假思索的, 未經準備的[B] There was something in his offhand remarks. 他隨口說出的話裡倒也有些道理。 2. 不友好的, 不禮貌的 He became increasingly offhand with Victoria. 他對維多利亞變得越來越簡慢。 3. 隨便的; 非正式的, 不拘禮的 Her clothes usually gave an offhand effect. 她的衣服通常給人以一種不拘禮節的感覺。

