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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文-國小難度:(805~809)
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28. Nancy dressed up like a princess. She was praised and ______ all night.
(A) communicated
(B) composed
(C) compromised
(D) complimented


(II) It's a sign of the times. What was once considered as just a fad has become a widespread trend for an ever-increasing number of companies. According to a recent survey, roughly twelve percent of large companies offer paid sabbaticals to their executives each year and another twenty-five percent offer unpaid ones. Five years ago, only seven percent of all companies were willing to offer unpaid sabbaticals. What has reversed the trend? Employers have realized that granting their staff a gap year to travel around the world, focus on non-professional projects or acquire new skills is a great way to increase their loyalty to the company and stimulate creativity at work. Sabbaticals are usually offered to executive staff members who have been with their company for at least ten years and whose record of achievements is outstanding. But, freedom has a price. During their leave, employees are seldom allowed to work for another company. Some companies even require their employees to get involved in the actions of a charity or social service organization.
【題組】73. Why do some companies offer sabbaticals?
(A) To cut costs
(B) To downsize
(C) To hire new staff
(D) To reward staff


14. The ____ weather in late June didn’t stop pro-democracy Hong Kongers to vote for an unofficial referendum in support of free elections for the next leader.
(A) suffocating
(B) surfing
(C) superficial
(D) sublime


5. “Jurassic World" hit theaters last week, reintroducing the man-meets-dinosaur disaster to a new ________ of fans.
(A) containment
(B) compunction
(C) generation
(D) salvation


34. When a pregnant woman smokes, the blood supply to the uterus is affected, reduction oxygen to the fetus.
(B) blood supply
(C) affected
(D) reduction

IV. Translation:30% 英翻中,中翻英

【題組】3. 一般來說,私立大學的收入以學雜費為主,但即使學生人數足夠的大學,也頂多只能維持收支平衡,要有盈餘,就需另闢蹊徑,其中開辦推廣教育就是「點石成金」的良方。


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文-國小難度:(805~809)-阿摩線上測驗
