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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 全民英檢中高級預試考題完整版#79796
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1. Yangmingshan (陽明山) National Park can be ______ by way of four major roads.
(A) admitted
(B) approached
(C) attracted
(D) associated


2. The committee went ______ the proposals for a second time.
(A) over
(B) away
(C) under
(D) on


3. The bookstore on the corner is known ______ as the best place to buy foreign magazines.
(A) up and down
(B) far and wide
(C) now and then
(D) over and over

4( ).

4. The current economic recession is threatening the ______ of many people in the country.
(A) substance
(B) maturity
(C) qualifications
(D) livelihoods


5. After driving for hours without a map, we finally ______ in a suburb of Kaohsiung.
(A)ran over
(B)got along
(C)wound up
(D)dropped out


6. The captain had trouble ______ the narrow channel.
(A) navigating
(B) generating
(C) embarking
(D) abridging


7. Since he turned thirteen, Jerry has been having loud arguments with his parents. Is this just typical teenage ______?
(A) fantasy
(B) mechanism
(C) productivity
(D) rebellion


8. Bruce read two film scripts; he didn’t enjoy one, a comedy, but he did enjoy ______, a thriller.
(A) other
(B) another
(C) the other
(D) one another


9. Fanny won’t be promoted to a higher position in the company______ more education.
(A) upon
(B) without
(C) beyond
(D) throughout


10. Don’t you wish that – just once – we ______ see Michael Chang(張德培) in person and get his autograph?
(A) ought to
(B) should
(C) could
(D) may


11. ______ that something like this would happen to me.
(A) I never did my wildest dreams imagine in
(B) I did never imagine in my wildest dreams
(C) In my wildest dreams did I never imagine
(D) Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine


12. David often drives carelessly and exceeds the speed limit, ______ he claims he’s never had an accident.
(A) yet
(B) as
(C) so
(D) for

13( ).

13. ______ in 1965, the spacecraft Mariner 4 took photographs and analyzed the atmosphere of Mars as it flew by the red planet.
(A) To launch
(B) Launches
(C) Launching
(D) Launched


14. The suspect confessed to the police that he ______ the bank the previous night.
(A) would rob
(B) had robbed
(C) be robbing
(D) has robbed

15( ).

15. I hope to do as ______ swimming this summer as I did last year.
(A) a lot
(B) possible
(C) much
(D) many times


16.Taroko Gorge (太魯閣), a ______ scenic spot, is located in Hualien.
(A) formal
(B) well-known
(C) warm-hearted
(D) graceful


17. In my opinion, it’s important not to ______ in this kind of political dispute.
(A) put down
(B) take sides
(C) give off
(D) tell apart


18.Yu-lin and her brothers gave their parents a big party in ______ of their 50th wedding anniversary.
(A) care
(B) favor
(C) honor
(D) charge


19.Due to Typhoon Emerson, the price of vegetables has ______ greatly over the past few days.
(A) adjusted
(B) influenced
(C) expanded
(D) fluctuated


20. Don’t be troubled by Amanda’s frequent angry moods. It’s just ______ of her illness.
(A) a manifestation
(B) a consistency
(C) an abundance
(D) an enforcement


21. Tourists have left a lot of soda cans and plastic bags in and ______ the park.
(A) at
(B) on
(C) around
(D) through


22. When Paul and Ann were children, they ______ visit their cousins in Chicago from time to time.
(A) might
(B) would
(C) were to
(D) should


23. Some of Curt Wilder’s books have been widely read ______ others have remained relatively unknown.
(A) since
(B) until
(C) except
(D) while


24. Kuo-hwa, an optimist, is always cheerful, ______ hardships with an eagerness to overcome them.
(A) facing
(B) faces
(C) faced
(D) to face


25. To our surprise, Tina was given permission to enter the third grade, although she ______ the previous grade.
(A) doesn’t pass
(B) hadn’t passed
(C) oughtn’t to pass
(D) not passing


Part B: Cloze This part of the test has three passages. Each passage contains seven or eight missing words or phrases. Beneath each passage, you will see seven or eight items with four choices, marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the best answer for each missing word or phrase in the two passages. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. 

 Questions 26–32
 The digital age is dawning, and that’s good news for Asian companies. Already, a high (26) of the world’s new digital products, such as DVD players and digital cameras, are being produced there, not only (27) manufacturing costs are lower there than in North America and Europe, but also because Asia has become a center for (28) . Japanese companies, of course, have long been admired for their ability to design (29) . manufacture consumer products that incorporate the latest technology while (30) the most-desired functions. Now other Asian countries like Korea and Taiwan are (31) . With the worldwide demand for digital products growing (32) a furious pace, the future looks bright for the Asian companies that make them.

【題組】 26.
(A) percentage
(B) level
(C) quality
(D) influence


(A) until
(B) because
(C) whenever
(D) in that


(A) recreation
(B) animation
(D) organization


(A) some
(B) to
(C) once
(D) and

30( ).

(A) offering
(B) offered
(C) did offer
(D) would offer


(A) taking its leave
(B) paving its way
(C) catching its breath
(D) following its lead


(A) on
(B) up
(C) at
(D) in


33–40 In gardens and forests around the world, there is more and more evidence that the earth’s atmosphere is warming up. In North America, many species of birds which (33) to fly south for the cold winter months are staying in the north (34) .. A study of 77 gardens in Europe (35) that flowers are blooming earlier and leaves are falling (36) . In other words, as the atmosphere has gotten warmer, the growing season for vegetation has become a little bit longer each year. On the European continent, summer is (37) eleven days longer than it was forty years ago. The 1990s were the warmest decade of the twentieth century, and the changes in air temperatures (38) ocean temperatures as well. Greenland’s ice sheet has been (39) rapidly, and high ocean temperatures are also damaging the coral reefs. (40) , there is no evidence that global warming is either slowing down or coming to an end.

【題組】 33.
(A) use
(B) used
(C) are used
(D) were used


(A) instead
(B) well
(C) away
(D) upwards


(A) showing
(B) show
(C) shown
(D) showed


(A) soon
(B) then
(C) later
(D) once

37( ).

(A) traditionally
(B) naturally
(C) apparently
(D) merely


(A) affected
(B) stabilized
(C) operated
(D) measured


(A) thickening
(B) melting
(C) tearing
(D) floating


(A) Otherwise
(B) Eventually
(C) Afterwards
(D) Unfortunately


 In modern hospitals, the most popular treatment for bacterial infection is antibiotics. While these medicines are generally highly effective in (41) the infection, one problem is that over a period of time bacteria begin to mutate—change their structure—in order to resist the antibiotics. (42) , as the human population consumes more antibiotics, the infection-producing (43) become stronger and more resistant to the drugs. Another reason for the increased consumption of antibiotics is that doctors often prescribe them to patients too (44) . Both doctors and patients prefer treatment providing fast relief, rather than (45) the body to battle the infection by itself. (46) unnecessary prescriptions are not the only source of antibiotics. They have been increasingly (47) on farms, where chickens and pigs are frequently fed antibiotics to combat disease. The (48) is that when the general public eats the meat products, they consume the animals’ antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well.

【題組】 41.
(A) digesting
(B) fighting
(C) wrapping
(D) brushing


(A) Consequently
(B) Fortunately
(C) Hopefully
(D) Alternatively


(A) problems
(B) treatments
(C) bacteria
(D) antibiotics


(A) richly
(B) likely
(C) calmly
(D) freely


(A) allowing
(B) allows
(C) allowed
(D) allow


(A) If
(B) But
(C) What
(D) Whether


(A) using
(B) uses
(C) used
(D) to use


(A) theory
(B) victory
(C) advice
(D) result


Part C: Reading In this part of the test, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. You are to choose the best answer, A, B, C, or D, to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. 

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【題組】 49. Which plant is expected to report the highest production volume per year?
(A) The Bangkok Plant
(B) The Shanghai Plant
(C) The Manila Plant
(D) The Kaohsiung Plant


【題組】50. Which plant will probably cost the most to construct?
(A) The Jakarta Plant
(B) The Kaohsiung Plant
(C) The Manila Plant
(D) The Shanghai Plant


The ROC Air Force has purchased a new “Air Force One,” the popular name for the aircraft used by senior officials of the ROC, including the president and vice-president. Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million. It differs from the earlier aircraft, however, in its on-board instrumentation, which includes an advanced radar system and state-of-the-art communications equipment. In the event of a crisis, these facilities will enable the president to remain in contact with armed forces commanders while he is on board “Air Force One.” Two teams of ROC air force pilots will receive training in the US in using the new equipment before flying the aircraft back to Taiwan from there via Hawaii and Guam.

【題組】 51. What would be a good title for this article?
(A) President Approves Purchase of New “Air Force One”
(B) New “Air Force One” More Expensive
(C) New, Improved “Air Force One”
(D) ROC Pilots Trained to Fly “Air Force One”


【題組】52. In what way is the new aircraft like the previous one?
(A) It has a similar radar system.
(B) It can carry nearly 190 passengers.
(C) It is leased from China Airlines.
(D) Its communications equipment is the same.


【題組】53. This passage points out that the new communications equipment will be used by the president___________
(A) during national emergencies.
(B) during takeoffs and landings.
(C) during flight training.
(D) during equipment failure.



【題組】 54. Which country produced more steel in 1998 than in 1997?
(A) Country H
(B) Country A
(C) Country F
(D) Country E


【題組】55. Which two countries produced the most steel in 1998?
(A) Countries D and I
(B) Countries A and E
(C) Countries F and I
(D) Countries D and E


 Over time, cacti literally reshaped themselves to fit their environment, by increasing their bulk and reducing the surface area they expose to the sun. Cacti stopped bearing leaves; they could no longer afford to supply broad-surfaced appendages with water. When the cacti dispensed with foliage, their stems and branches took over the leaves’ work of manufacturing food. By drawing energy from almost constant sunlight and moisture from their water-storing interior pulp, cacti can function all year round and flower even during lenghty droughts. Many other adaptations help cacti survive in a harsh environment. Their shallow, widespread root systems absorb maximum moisture in a region of brief rainstorms and thin quick-draining soil. The waxy finish on their tough skins retards moisture loss, and their armament of sharp spines affords protection from sun, wind and from the depredations of hungry, thirsty desert creatures.

【題組】 56. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Habits of Flower Plants
(B) How the Cactus Became Extinct
(C) How Cacti Adjusted to Their Environment
(D) Using Cacti to Survive in the Desert


【題組】57. How did cacti reduce their need for water?
(A) By storing more food in their pulp
(B) By getting rid of their leaves
(C) By increasing their exposure to the sun
(D) By developing inner vessels to transport water

58( ).

【題組】58. According to this passage, what is the function of cactus spines?
(A) To absorb water
(B) To produce food
(C) To discourage animals
(D) To draw sunlight


 In any group of elderly people, it is common to see some women who are unable to stand completely upright. Their backs and heads are bent forward slightly, as if they were carrying a heavy load. This is usually a sign of a bone problem that has developed over a number of years, a problem called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis literally means porous bones—bones that are filled with tiny holes. Our bones are in a constant state of change, continuously broken down and rebuilt through the body’s chemical processes. Two kinds of cells are important in these processes: osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoclasts renew the old bone by dissolving or reabsorbing it; this leaves an empty space. Osteoblasts then fill this empty space with new bone. When the rate of bone renewal doesn’t equal the rate of breakdown, bone loss results. When the bone loss becomes advanced, it is called osteoporosis. The bones don’t actually change shape with osteoporosis; rather, they become porous, and therefore are more likely to break. Often the first sign of osteoporosis is a bone fracture following a minor fall or accident.

【題組】 59. What is the main subject of the article?
(A) Treatment for osteoporosis
(B) Exercise and osteoporosis
(C) Prevention of osteoporosis
(D) Description of osteoporosis


【題組】60. What causes osteoporosis?
(A) Carrying heavy loads
(B) Poor standing posture
(C) Too many broken bones
(D) Insufficient bone renewal


【題組】61. What is true of healthy bones?
(A) They are always being rebuilt.
(B) They slowly become bent.
(C) They gradually grow porous.
(D) They are rarely broken down.


【題組】62. What happens during osteoporosis?
(A) The bones change shape.
(B) The bones become spongy.
(C) The osteoblasts fill the bone with holes.
(D) The osteoclasts stop dissolving the bone.


 For thousands of years, Chinese artists have used a material called lacquer to prevent the surfaces of objects made of wood or other materials from being damaged. Many beautiful lacquer pieces can be found today in collections of Chinese art. The process of producing a lacquer piece, however, is both difficult and long. To begin with, the original object must be made, perhaps a wooden bowl or vase with a design carved in its surface. Meanwhile, farmers collect raw, liquid lacquer from lacquer trees, each of which can produce only a small amount. After enough lacquer has been collected, a lacquer artist must then clean it by passing it through cloth and also beat it in order to remove excess water. The original color of the lacquer is not attractive so the artist next adds some other material to change the color to red or black. Now, the artist can put the first of many layers of lacquer onto the surface of the object. After the first layer is dry, he must polish it and then apply the next layer. When the last layer has been applied, the object will not only be beautiful, but also safeguarded against damage.

【題組】 63. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Collections of Chinese Art
(B) The Value of Lacquer Trees
(C) Evaluating artists’ skills
(D) Making of lacquer pieces


【題組】64. What is the main function of lacquer in works of Chinese art?
(A) To classify them
(B) To protect them
(C) To clean them
(D) To frame them

65( ).

【題組】65. According to this passage, what is true of lacquer trees?
(A) They are not attractive in appearance.
(B) Farmers find them difficult to grow.
(C) They were first grown in China.
(D) Individual trees produce little liquid.

66( ).

【題組】66. What does the writer of this passage imply about lacquer?
(A) The original color of lacquer is red or black.
(B) Applying the lacquer is a quick process.
(C) Lacquer has to be filtered after it is collected from trees.
(D) Water must be added to the lacquer before it is used.

67( ).

One of the largest youth organizations in the world is the 4-H, an organization of clubs for young people between 9 and 19. The main purpose of 4-H is to provide young people with the practical skills and understanding they will need to become useful members of their communities. The four H’s stand for head, heart, hands, and health. When 4-H clubs first began in America in the early 1900s, members were mostly young people from rural areas. The focus was on farm projects, such as raising pigs and growing and canning food. Today over 75% of the club members come from towns, cities, and suburbs, and hundreds of projects exist, each adapted to its geographical area. While rural districts abound in conservation, forestry, and farm management projects, projects in urban areas often involve nutrition, health, automotive care, and money management. The 4-H program in America is a joint service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, state universities, and county governments. Additional funding is provided by business firms and private organizations. Members of the clubs are guided by volunteer adult leaders and their teenage assistants. In the clubs, 4-H’ers learn about and work on solving serious problems that face their communities, issues like environmental protection and community safety. In addition to the 4-H clubs in the U.S. states and territories, more than eighty countries, including Taiwan, have adapted the 4-H idea to fit their own needs. In the less developed countries, many clubs offer courses in proper nutrition and in new farming technology.

【題組】 67. What is the 4-H?
(A) A fitness club
(B) A development project
(C) An international firm
(D) An educational program

68( ).

【題組】68. Who are most of the 4-H members?
(A) Elementary and high school students
(B) Adults and teenagers
(C) Government and business leaders
(D) Young people from rural areas

69( ).

【題組】69. How is the 4-H financed?
(A) Through the sale of farm products
(B) Through its membership fees
(C) Through government and private support
(D) Through international economic projects

70( ).

【題組】70. According to the article, what is the modern trend in 4-H clubs?
(A) A decreased emphasis on agricultural projects
(B) Balancing younger and older membership
(C) More volunteer leadership in local clubs
(D) Larger involvement of government agencies

71( ).

【題組】71. What would probably be a typical 4-H activity?
(A) An overseas tour
(B) Recycling paper
(C) A cooking contest
(D) Building a school

72( ).

One animal which has become extinct was once probably the most numerous bird in North America: the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon bred in the eastern part of the U.S. and Canada and often migrated to the southern U.S. during the winter months. The bird’s name came not from the migrations but from its highly visible movements in search of food. The passenger pigeons were social birds, traveling in amazingly large numbers that ranged from the millions to one or two billion. Passing overhead on a broad front, a flock of birds could darken the sky as effectively as storm clouds for a period of hours. Passenger pigeons bred in huge colonies, and these colonies frequently covered many square miles. A hundred or more pairs of pigeons often nested in the same tree, each female laying a single egg. The birds lived mainly on wild seeds and nuts, but sometimes a flock would swoop down onto a field or a garden and eat everything in sight. While vast numbers of passenger pigeons were recorded in the late nineteenth century, the population declined rapidly, and the last wild bird was shot in 1904. The swift disappearance of the bird remains a mystery, but a partial explanation is found in its habit of nesting and moving in a large flock. Farmers, who considered them pests, found it easy to catch hundreds at a time in nets. Also, as passenger pigeons were tasty game birds, market hunters shot hundreds of thousands on their nesting grounds. By 1900 the passenger pigeon was already rare.

【題組】 72. What is the main subject of this article?
(A) The history of the passenger pigeon
(B) The life cycle of a passenger pigeon
(C) The migration habits of passenger pigeons
(D) The large market for passenger pigeons

73( ).

【題組】73. What made the passenger pigeon unique?
(A) Its decreased population
(B) Its custom of traveling in large groups
(C) Its winter migration habits
(D) Its sudden appearance before a storm

74( ).

【題組】74. When did the passenger pigeon disappear completely?
(A) In the early twentieth century
(B) In the late nineteenth century
(C) In the middle of 1900’s
(D) In the middle or late 1800’s

75( ).

【題組】75. According to the article, what fact about passenger pigeons is not fully understood?
(A) Their nesting habits
(B) Their social behavior
(C) Their flight patterns
(D) Their fast extinction

76( ).

【題組】76. Why did hunters find it easy to kill large numbers of pigeons?
(A) The birds’ movements are slow and highly visible.
(B) Large flocks would land and feed for several hours.
(C) Each breeding area contained a big bird colony.
(D) The birds would usually fly low after a storm.

77( ).


【題組】 77. What is the purpose of this letter?
(A) To apologize
(B) To quit a job
(C) To ask for a raise
(D) To apply for a position

78( ).

【題組】78. At her new job, how much will Susan be earning?
(A) Not mentioned in the letter
(B) Much more money than she is making now
(C) Slightly less money than she is making now
(D) Slightly more money than she is making now

79( ).

【題組】79. What suggestion does Susan make?
(A) Reduce employees’ working hours
(B) Increase the pay for the new editor
(C) Offer classes for employees
(D) Hire an assistant for the new editor

80( ).

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【題組】 80. Where will this message be placed?
(A) In an annual report
(B) On a bulletin board
(C) At a copy shop
(D) In a personnel file

81( ).

【題組】81. What should an employee do if he/she cannot fix a problem with the copy machine?
(A) Just leave it.
(B) Call Director Lu.
(C) Call Ms. Chang.
(D) Call a repairman.

82( ).

【題組】82. What should employees do if they want to make personal copies?
(A) Put coins into the coin box next to the copy machine.
(B) Notify Ms. Chang in Administration.
(C) Use the Administration Department card.
(D) Record their personal copies in a notebook.

試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 全民英檢中高級預試考題完整版#79796-阿摩線上測驗
