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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 鐵路特種考試_佐級_各類科:英文#69761
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36 His father was ______and put in jail as a result of his crime.
(A) arrested
(B) cheated
(C) elected
(D) protected


37 Would you mind keeping an eye_________ my kids for just a few minutes?
(B) in
(D) on


38 A sudden _________of wind turned my umbrella inside out.
(B) gust
(C) rumble
(D) stroke


39 Eric Haralson likes the pretty girl so much that he is eager to_________ his expensive new car to her.
(A) bump into
(B) figure out
(C) show off
(D) tear down


40 Animals and plants have special _____that help them to live in very hot or cold climates.
(B) defects
(C) quantities
(D) challenges


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: The babies of women living in high air pollution neighborhoods may have lower IQs. A study 41 low-income pregnant women in the South Bronx and upper Manhattan. The women wore monitors during the last months of pregnancy. They lived in areas that had high pollution from cars, buses and trucks. Before starting school, the children took IQ tests. The children most exposed to air pollution scored lower than children with lower exposure 42 . The difference of four or five points may affect schoolwork. Experts say the differences do not mean that children will not learn to read and write. It shows that air pollution may harm children 43 lead does. The research may explain why these children do not do well in school. Earlier research showed that air pollution could increase the 44 of cancer, lower birth weight and asthma. Researchers plan to continue monitoring and testing the children. They want to know 45 school performance is affected over a long time. Experts said this research was important. They said there should be more studies.
(A) informed
(B) followed


(B) must
(C) did
(D) had


(A)as much as
(B) despite the fact
(C) because
(D) in view that


(B) cure
(C) quest
(D) risk


(C) hence
(D) if


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:phpmiefgk

【題組】46 What is the purpose of this post?
(A)To sell new office furniture.
(B) To get rid of old furniture.
(C)To find furniture for the office.
(D)To check out the fitness studio.


【題組】47 Who probably posted this?
(A)A moving company.
(B)A furniture store.
(C) A fitness studio.
(D) A designer's office.


【題組】48 Why did they want to sell their furniture?
(A)They are moving to a new office at a different place.
(B)They tried to make money to re-design their place.
(C)The furniture is too old to be used in this office.
(D)They do not need the furniture in the newly designed office.


【題組】49 Which of the following items are not likely to be found in this sale?
(A) Clothing.
(B) Chairs.
(C) Desks.
(D) Shelves. .


【題組】50 Which of the following statements about this post is true?
(A)The sunflower chair is not for sale.
(B)A reservation is needed to enter this office.
(C)The furniture is not available right now.
(D) All the furniture for sale was used.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 鐵路特種考試_佐級_各類科:英文#69761-阿摩線上測驗
