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【精選】 - 警察◆警察專業英文難度:(1~25)
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Please_______. I am running late for an important meeting.
(A) hurry up
(B) slow down
(C) put off
(D) rush into


The speech was so_______that I fell asleep soon after it started.
(A) becoming
(B) boring
(C) bearing
(D) blowing


53 Police officer: What can I help you with? Woman: _______________ Police officer: Please fill out the form first.
(A) A lot.
(B) No, you cannot.
(C) I want to report a case of theft.
(D) I’m not sure.


54 Man: Excuse me. You speak Chinese, don’t you? Woman: ____________________________ Man: Can you tell me how to say “rice cooker” in Chinese?
(A) Yes, I don’t.
(B) Yes, but not very well.
(C) That’s O.K.
(D) Thank you.


55 Amanda: I’m getting married next month. Judy: ____________________________ Amanda: Thank you.
(A) You must be kidding.
(B) Congratulations!
(C) I doubt it.
(D) I have no idea.


57 Tom: I don’t feel well. Mother: __________________ Tom: But I have two tests this morning!
(A) Good! I feel the same way.
(B) Maybe you should go and see the doctor now.
(C) That is very funny of you.
(D) But you look so strong.


58 Jack: How about going to a movie tonight? Jill: _______________________________ Jack: Well, then, maybe some other time.
(A) It’s a great movie.
(B) I would love to, but I have to prepare for a test.
(C) That’s very nice of you.
(D) What for?


4 Tom really wanted to go to the baseball game on Saturday. ______ , he had to work that day.
(A) Unfortunately
(B) Luckily
(C) Consequently
(D) Moreover


10 It is very convenient for the citizens to go to school or go to work by public ______ , such as buses and subways.
(A) transportation
(B) cooperation
(C) administration
(D) interpretation


36 Betty: What a wonderful cake! It was appetizing. Nancy: _____ Rita is really good at cooking. Betty: Maybe we can ask her to teach us how to bake one like that.
(A) It was really horrible.
(B) Sounds fine to me.
(C) It couldn’t be.
(D) It sure was.


Slow down! You must ______ your speed when coming to the toll booth on the highway .
(D) insert


44 To combat piracy, some ship owners have signed up for kidnap and ransom insurance policies to help _____ the damage if their boats are attacked.


請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題: 
Although oceans cover two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, they are surprisingly vulnerable to human influences, 57 overfishing, pollution from run-off, and dumping of waste. This kind of pollution can have serious economic and health impacts by killing marine life and damaging habitats and ecosystems. Toxins from pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals used on farms 58 nearby rivers that flow into the ocean, and this can cause extensive loss of marine life in bays and estuaries, 59 the creation of dead zones. The dumping of industrial, nuclear and other waste into oceans was legal until the early 1970’s when 60 . However, illegal dumping still occurs in many places.

【題組】 57
(A)such as
(B)prior to
(C)now that
(D)looking for


47 The term “damage control” is also used in project management and other contexts to describe the actions needed to deal __________any problem that may jeopardize an endeavor.


27 Helen works in a large company. It____ more than 1,500 people.
(A) discounts
(B) employs
(C) imports
(D) mentions


29 At least 77 people were killed when four bombs____ in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
(A) bargained
(B) exploded
(C) loaned
(D) triumphed


32 Every city has a/an ____telephone number for people to ask immediate helps from the police department. In the US, people call 911, here in Taiwan the number people dial in that case is 110.
(A) insurance
(B) rescue
(C) emergency
(D) disaster


29 Forensic science plays an important role in the investigation of serious crimes. One of the first significant achievements in the field was the development of techniques for identifying individuals by their ______. In the 19th century, it was discovered that almost any contact between a finger and a fixed surface left a latent mark that could be made visible by a variety of procedures.
(D) fingerprints


49 After the 911 _____ attacks in the U.S., the homeland security studies have been initiated.


43 Although prosecutors and judges regard criminals’ confessions as important, police investigators should also search for ____ by resorting to scientific methods.


31 In recent years, the rapid pace of change in Taiwan has caused crime rates to rise, which has made people feel _____.
(A) exhausted
(B) relieved
(C) complacent
(D) unsafe


7. The flight was ___ for three hours because of the typhoon.
(A) delayed
(B) inquired
(C) conducted
(D) succeeded


45 A person who breaks into the computer system of another person is a ______ .
(A) heckler
(B) hacker
(C) hustler
(D) hipster


請依下文回答第 34 題至第 36 題:
Police: Good evening. Could I see your driver’s license, please?
Woman: Sure. Here you go.
Police:   34  
Woman: I am late for my appointment. It’s very important.
Police: You were driving at more than 100 km per hour, almost twice the speed limit.
Woman: I am sorry, officer. It won’t happen again.
Police: Besides, you didn’t have your seatbelt on.
Woman: I know. I am in a hurry. I forgot to put my seatbelt on.
Police: I also noticed you were using your phone while you were driving.
Woman: I wasn’t talking on my phone. I was just scratching my ear.
Police:   35  
Woman: Just a glass of wine, and that was three hours ago. I am not drunk.
Police:   36  
Woman: Excuse me? With all due respect, this is ridiculous. I only had one drink.
Police: Well, I have to give you a speeding ticket anyway.
Woman: Fair enough.

(A) Do you know the speed you were going?
(B) Is this your driver’s license?
(C) I can’t wait. Where’s it?
(D) How may I help you? It’s getting dark.


(A) Nice equipment. Can I take a look?
(B) That’s not true. I saw you with your phone. Have you had anything to drink?
(C) You need to go to the hospital for the earache.
(D) What can I get you? Beer or punch?


【精選】 - 警察◆警察專業英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
