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試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 99-2 司法特種考試_五等_各類科:英文#10098
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36 There are so many beautiful dresses. I cannot ____________up my mind which to buy.  
(A) make


37 Mary gave him ______on how to write a good piece of writing.


38 I’m so_____________! I’m going to take a trip to Japan this winter.


39 English has become an international language. Computer program instructions, for example, are often ________ only in English.


40 ______ are a lovely and friendly kind of animal that can be found in the sea around Taiwan.


41 John has to study tonight because he has a _________tomorrow.


I arrived in America two weeks ago. I’m writing this e-mail to tell you what happened to me this morning. I was on the bus and a man spoke to me, but I    42    understood him. I was so upset!    43   isn’t my English getting better? I want to    44    lots of American friends, but this just isn’t happening! It’s also hard for me to tell my classmates what I feel. I’m really    45   ! I miss my friends and family in Taiwan so much.
【題組】 42








Many processes within our bodies are timed to a cycle of about twenty-four hours. If the body temperature is taken every hour or so throughout the day or night, each person is found to have a certain pattern. The temperature rises and falls about two degrees every twenty-four hours. Some people’s temperatures rise very rapidly after awakening and then begin to fall in the afternoon and evening. For others their temperatures rise very slowly at first, reach a peak in the late afternoon or evening, and do not begin to drop until quite late in the day. In all cases, a person’s temperature is at its lowest during the time of sleep. People tend to feel most wide-awake and can work best at the high point of their temperature. You may have noticed that some people jump out of bed bright and early and are cheerful and active during the early part of the day, then grow tired in the evening and go to bed quite early. Others find it difficult to get up in the morning and do not seem able to get going very well until afternoon; during the evening, they are wide-awake and hate to go to bed. People can usually adjust to a different schedule if necessary, but it seems to be more difficult for some people than for others.
【題組】46 The author says that people’s body temperature
(A)rises two degrees when they first wake up.

(B)falls two degrees when they first wake up.
(C)rises and falls two degrees while they sleep.
(D)rises and falls two degrees each day.


【題組】47 According to the passage, people can get more things done
(A)in the morning.
(B)in the middle of the day.
(C)when their temperature is highest.
(D)when their temperature is lowest.


【題組】48 Which of the following statements is true?
(A)When people are sleeping, their body temperature does not change.
(B)A person’s body temperature is at its lowest point in the middle of the day.
(C)Some people are more active in the morning and others are more energetic in the evening.
(D)It is always easy to change a person’s schedule because our body temperature follows a certain pattern.


【題組】49 According to the passage, people who have trouble waking up in the morning probably 
(A)should try to be more cheerful and active in the morning. 
(B)show a temperature pattern that rises quickly in the morning. 
(C)show a temperature pattern that is highest in the afternoon or evening. 
(D)should adjust to a different schedule by changing their body temperature pattern.


【題組】50 What does “peak” mean in line 5 of the passage?
(B)low point
(C)high point


試卷測驗 - 99 年 - 99-2 司法特種考試_五等_各類科:英文#10098-阿摩線上測驗
