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In Western civilization kissing has been accepted for many thousands of years. In Greece it was called “the key to Paradise.” But other cultures have often thought of kissing as vulgar and thought of it as bad behavior. For example, for many years in India it was forbidden for movie stars to kiss in a movie. In China kissing in public has been and still is frowned on by many people. The origin of kissing is reported to go right back to a primitive man who believed that the air he breathed out had magic power. It contained part of his soul, so by kissing men and women mixed their souls. Others say that kissing started with face touching just as the Eskimos and New Zealand Maoris rub noses even today. The lip is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so it is no wonder that it is used to express deep affection and love.
【題組】In Greece, what is called ”the key to Paradise”?
(A) rubbing hands
(B) touching faces
(C) kissing
(D) mixing souls


Sam, who was born in Canada, moved to Taipei with his family last year. Now he is studying Chinese in a language school. The teachers and students there are very friendly to him. In the school, Sam not only studies Chinese but gets to learn about Chinese culture. He is also learning to eat with chopsticks and write with brushes. For Sam, Taipei is a city full of excitement. There are food stalls everywhere and they offer him a variety of meal choices. Besides, Sam also finds the Shih-lin Night Market very convenient for it sells everything that Sam wants to buy. Sam loves to wander around from one vendor to another vendor. He is overwhelmed by the variety of products he finds at the night market. On weekends, Sam usually goes to the movies and goes jogging in the park. And he also loves to go to Beitou to enjoy the hot spring in winter. In summer, Sam likes to go surfing in Fu Long. Sam really loves his life in Taipei.
【題組】48 Where is Sam studying now?
(A) senior high school.
(B)A college.
(C)A language school.
(D)A junior high school.


I’m a stranger here. Could you please show me__________the train station is?
(A) which
(B)how long


34 Ken: I have two tickets to the basketball game tonight. Would you like to go? Tim:______ Ken: Why can’t you go? Tim: I’ve got to hand in a 10-page report tomorrow morning and I’m still working on it.
(A)What a good idea!
(B)Are you inviting me?
(C)I can hardly wait.
(D)I wish I could.


Please_______. I am running late for an important meeting.
(A) hurry up
(B) slow down
(C) put off
(D) rush into


Never ___ hope even if you are faced with difficulties.
(A) give off
(B) give up
(C) take up
(D) take off


12.Man: Did you see this tomato, Maggie? Woman: Yes, I did. Isn’t it big? Man: It’s huge! ______________ Woman: I think I’ll cut it up for our salad tonight.
(A) Where did you buy it?
(B) How much did it cost?
(C) What are you going to do with it?
(D) When did you buy it?


Passenger 1: Can you tell me where I can change my money? Passenger 2: ____________________________
(A) Sorry, I don’t have any change.
(B) No, it’s rude of you to say so.
(C) I don’t know where your money is.
(D) At most banks and hotels.


In Taiwan, some cable TV companies have up to 70 or 80 ________.
(A) channels
(B) events
(C) items
(D) patterns


Student 1:The teacher is so unfair. I got an F on the exam! Student 2:_____You'll do better next time.
(A)Isn't it nice?
(B)Don't be so upset.
(C)How funny it is!
(D)It sounds right.


Tom: Do you want to go see a movie tonight? Jeff: Sure. Let's ask Jack to go along too. Tom:_____ Jeff: Oh, well then. Let's just go ourselves.
(A)I haven't asked him yet.
(B)He has to work tonight.
(C)I'm not sure.
(D)I think he likes Lisa.


These three wooden boxes are ______; they are of the same size, shape, and color.
(A) remote
(B) real
(C) similar
(D) vague


The problem was so difficult that most students could not ______ it.
(A) add
(B) open
(C) solve
(D) create


42 A: I want to go to the train station. ___________
B: Well, it’s about a ten-minute drive and about twenty minutes by bus. 
(A) Is it famous?
(B) Is it still open?
(C) Is it good?
(D) Is it far?


14 A : How’s your day going?
B : Terrible.
A : _____________
B : The work keeps piling up. I have three deadlines this week.
(A) How are you?
(B) May I help you?
(C) What’s the matter?
(D) Could you do me a favor?


41-45 Most Americans do not realize that the tradition of Halloween comes from Ireland and Scotland. It originated from Celts who lived in what is now France and the British Isles over 2000 years ago. A harvest festival was celebrated on October 31st and it also marked the beginning of the long, dark, cold winter. People then believed that the spirits of the dead walked upon the earth in the darkness so great fires were built on the hills to protect the people from bad spirits. Turnips were hollowed out and put a candle inside. When people went outside, they carried them to protect themselves from evil spirits. When the settlers came to America, they brought this custom with them. But they did not have turnips, so they used pumpkins instead. Now, children especially look forward to Halloween and the carving of pumpkins. As Halloween approaches, jack-o’-lanterns pop up on doorsteps everywhere. 
【題組】41. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The History of Halloween
(B) The Value of Pumpkins
(C) The History of the Settlers
(D) The Popularity of the Pumpkin


30 I can’t ride my bicycle______ there isn’t any air in one of the tires.
(A) despite
(B) although
(C) because
(D) unless


25 My brother’s letter was full of ____, so it was hard to read.


199. The car broke down suddenly. There must have been some _____ problems.


205. Daisy prefers pants to skirts because she feels more _____ when wearing pants.


250. This _____ guide is very helpful for tourists. It includes all the information such as flights, shopping malls, and hotels.


38 Did you______ to leave your keys at the front desk?
(B) scatter
(C) forget
(D) negotiate


4. The room was filled with cigarette smoke. I could hardly _____ so I opened the window.
(A) burst
(B) boom
(C) stare
(D) breathe


43 Teacher: How is it you are late again? 
Student: _ 
Teacher: It seems you can always find a good excuse.
(A) I won’t miss your class for anything.
(B) We don’t have any class in the morning.
(C) I need to figure out an excuse for it.
(D) I overslept because the alarm clock didn’t go off.


25. Paul: Why are you in a hurry?
(A) It was great talking to you.
(B) Because I'm late for work.
(C) No problem.
(D) You can do it.


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