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【精選】 - 台水評價◆英文難度:(136~150)
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The mother gave a sigh of ________ when she found her kids were safe. Her anxiety was finally over.
(A) relief
(B) anger
(C) despair
(D) sadness


I got lost in the foreign city. To make matters worse, my wallet as well as my passport ________.
(A) had stolen
(B) was stolen
(C) stole
(D) was to steal


The speech was ________, so I left in the middle of it.
(A) bore
(B) bored
(C) boring
(D) boredom


12. The movie was a hit. A big party was held in ________ of the success.


22. The electronics industry, ________ roughly 30 percent of Taiwan's exports, saw the best performance in June.
(A) comprises
(B) that comprises
(C) which comprises
(D) comprise


四、閱讀測驗 In cold and freezing weather, hot springs may come to mind to most people. Taiwan lies over the area between two plates. Due to this unique geography, our beautiful island is dotted with 99 delightful hot springs. Many of Taiwan’s best loved hot springs are in Yangmingshan, Peitou, and Wulai, each within an hour's drive from downtown Taipei, and each offering visitors its own special scenery. If you're a nature lover, the winter is a good time to hike in the hills of Yangmingshan and take a dip in a hot spring. And winter is when the cherry flowers are in full bloom there. If you're a history buff, head for Peitou Hot Spring Museum, and you'll be intrigued by all the Japanese-style architecture at the hot spring resorts and the area's many historic sites. Less than an hour south from downtown Taipei is Wulai, Taipei County's only Aboriginal mountain village. The visitors to Wulai can learn about the culture of the Atayal tribe and try out their distinctive food. The beautiful waterfalls and gorges along Nanshih Creek will make you wonder if you've come to a fairyland! Wintertime is hot spring season in Taiwan. So go on. Make your winter!
【題組】49. According to the passage, where can you go and learn about the history of hot springs in Taiwan?
(A) In the hills of Yangmingshan.
(B) In a Japanese hot spring hotel.
(C) In Peitou Hot Spring Museum.
(D) In an Aboriginal village in Taipei County.


13. Young people should show politeness and treat senior citizens with ________.
(A) ability
(B) growth
(C) respect
(D) concept


21. When the train arrived ________ the station, the woman pushed her luggage onto the platform.
(A) at
(B) for
(C) by
(D) on


1. Professor Lin began to _________ herself to teaching orphans after she retired.


第二篇: One of the biggest shopping days of the year has brought out millions of bargain hunters across the world. The day is called Black Friday. Real and online stores offer discounts of up to 70 percent on thousands of items. It is traditionally a big shopping day in the USA, but four years ago it crossed the Atlantic and is now huge in the U.K. It has become so popular in Britain that the police had to be called to four supermarkets just after midnight on Friday (the bargains went on sale at one minute past midnight). The police were worried about shoppers getting crushed in the crowds. A police spokesman said, "Officers have worked with store staff to ensure that sale-goers were able to enter and exit the stores safely." While shoppers in the U.K. were happy to head to the shops, many store workers in the USA were angry this year. Many stores decided to start Black Friday a day early, which was on the US celebration of Thanksgiving. Store employees and shoppers thought it was wrong for stores to ask employees to work on Thanksgiving, which is traditionally a time for people to spend with their family. A “Boycott Black Thursday” Facebook page has more than 114,000 likes. Many big stores, such as Costco and IKEA did not open. CNN reports that there are over 60 petitions on the website Change.org trying to get stores and customers to change Black Friday. They want a bigger focus on family instead of profits.
【題組】47. What does Thanksgiving mean to American people?
(A)It is a time for making friends.
(B)It is a time for shopping online.
(C)It is a time for making profits.
(D)It is a time to spend with family.


5. He has been trying to eat more since he read the article last week about how _________ people have a higher risk of death.
(B) disciplined
(C) underweight
(D) wicked


18 Learning to operate computers _________ very important today.


39 We do not know the value of freedom ______ we have lost it.


24. We will leave _____ he gets home.
(A) as well as
(B) so good as
(C) so well to
(D) as soon as


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】(每題 2 分)
        Coronavirus, or COVID-19 as many doctors and scientists call it, has been part of everyone’s life since mid-March 2020. Since then most schools, businesses, and communities have changed how they operated to prevent the spread of the virus. Because the disease infected a large number of people all over the world, experts call it a pandemic.
        Scientists don’t know the exact origin of COVID-19, but they do know that some similar diseases start in animals before spreading to humans. These types of diseases are zoonotic. Cows, bats, and camels are among the animals that are found to have spread diseases to humans in the past. The COVID-19 disease is also zoonotic, with the first cases popping up in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The affected humans were all connected to a nearby market that sold live animals.          For over a year, many kids attended school at least partly from their houses; their parents might have worked from home, too. This was all to avoid catching the virus from other people outside the home.
        Lots of people helped their neighbors throughout the pandemic. First responders, like healthcare workers, police officers, and firefighters, maintained the health and safety of the general public; essential workers such as grocery store employees, postal workers, and delivery drivers worked in-person to make sure other folks had what they needed to live.
        As of July 2021, nearly 190 million people in the world have been infected by COVID-19, and more than four million people have died. But the good news is that the numbers of people getting the virus in many countries are going down, thanks to testing, vaccines, and other preventative measures, like wearing masks and social distancing.

【題組】43. Judging from the texts, what does the word zoonotic (in paragraph 2) most likely mean?
(A) Restricted to animals only
(B) Happening mostly in the zoo
(C) Passing from animals to humans
(D) Becoming as wild as animals


【精選】 - 台水評價◆英文難度:(136~150)-阿摩線上測驗
