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3 The terrorist in Wednesday’s attack has been ________ as a former factory worker who has been out of job for two years.


Steve’s description of the place was so _____ that I could almost picture it in my mind.
(A) bitter
(B) vivid
(C) sensitive
(D) courageous


The report has to be ____________ to the board of directors next Friday for approval.
(A) exaggerated
(B) screamed
(C) submitted


34 Laura has a_____ to put things off until the last minute.
(A) disparity
(B) fecundity
(C) tendency
(D) vivacity


45 As luck would have it, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(A) Fortunately, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(B) Unfortunately, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(C) I had good luck on the day of graduation.
(D) I had bad luck on the day of graduation.


       As little as thirty years ago, few people questioned the gender roles that had prevailed for centuries. The conventional wisdom was that a woman’s place was in the home and that a man’s main responsibility to his family was to put food on the table. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, greater numbers of working women meant that men were no longer the sole breadwinners. A father’s emotional involvement with his family also became more important. Forty years ago, almost no husbands were present in the delivery room when their wives gave birth. Today, it is generally expected for male partners to attend childbirth classes, to be there for the delivery, and to take more responsibility for child rearing than their fathers or grandfathers did.
      In addition to society’s changing views of the role men play in relation to childcare, social scientists also found that the presence of the father in the home can contribute to lower juvenile crime rates, a decrease in child poverty, and lower rates of teenage pregnancy. Differences in parenting styles between men and women are also believed to contribute to children’s ability to understand and communicate emotions in different ways. The research supports the claim that the absence of a father in the family is the single biggest problem in modern society.

【題組】49 Children under the care of both parents develop good ability to communicate emotions because _____.
(A) there are more conflicts in the family
(B) there are two breadwinners in the family
(C) there are two parenting styles in the family
(D) there are fathers and grandfathers in the family


10 The victory of the home team _________the people and they danced and sang on the streets for hours.
(A) impaired
(B) modified
(C) navigated
(D) overjoyed


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 In the book Mostly Harmless, by Douglas Adams, a man from Earth travels to a strange planet. The people on the planet don’t have technology. At first, the man thinks he can become the people’s leader because he knows about technology. However, he soon realizes he can’t create technology by himself. As Adams writes in the book, “By himself, he couldn’t build a toaster. He could just make a sandwich, and that was it.” In 2010, a British designer named Thomas Thwaites was inspired by the story. After reading it, he decided to build an electric toaster by himself, using raw materials. To begin his “Toaster Project,” Thwaites looked at all toasters in a store. He bought the cheapest toaster because he thought that it would be the easiest to build. He took it apart to see what it was made of. Although the toaster seemed simple, it had 400 different pieces! These pieces were made from about a hundred different materials from all over the world.
【題組】19 What did Thwaites find about the toaster?
(A)He could travel to a hundred countries for the 100 pieces.
(B)He was capable of building one by himself.
(C)Building a toaster required resources from many places.
(D)Building a toaster could help his business.


635. _____ is behavior which is intended to trouble or annoy someone, such as repeated attacks on them verbally or physically.
(A) Hospitality


24 When you visit a bank to make a cash______ , you need to fill out the form or slip first.
(A) removal
(B) occupation
(C) reflection
(D) withdrawal


