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1( ).

49. When you have trouble sleeping, a cup of warm milk can do the _______.
(A) tip
(B) trick
(C) effect
(D) act

2( ).

10. Perhaps the most ______ news to the government and businesses is that we finally see the employment rate gradually climbing up.
(A) horrifying
(B) gratifying
(C) appalling
(D) excruciating

3( ).

12. The more my mother insisted, ______I objected to her idea.
(A) a lot stronger
(B) even stronger
(C) the more strongly
(D) more strongly

4( ).

33. Be sure to ___ to the message by tomorrow afternoon.
(A) hush
(B) reply
(C) claim
(D) grieve

5( ).

18. I hate ______ comments. I cannot stand people who always criticize.

6( ).

26. With no typhoons last summer, the island is expected to face problems of water ____ this year.
(A) passage
(B) strategy
(C) shortage
(D) coverage

7( ).

A:It’s a pleasure to meet you. B:The pleasure is             .

8( ).

59. Cigarettes are bad for health, so you’d better quit____as soon as possible.
(A) smoke
(B) smoked
(C) smoking
(D) to smoke

9( ).

2. Where are the keys? Can you help ___ find them?
(A) I
(B) my
(C) me
(D) mine

10( ).

39. My grandparents told me that they ______ to work before the sun rose in their childhood.
(A) had started
(B) started
(C) start
(D) is starting

11( ).

14. Considering the possible danger involved, _____.
(A) the less you know the better
(B) you know less better than
(C) better you know less than
(D) less than you know the better

12( ).

37. Although my grandmother was very ill, she lived eight months longer than the doctors ___________.
(A) were predicted
(B) had predicted
(C) would have been predicted
(D) have predicted

13( ).

39._______you taking your vacation this week?

14( ).

17.The approaching typhoon forced the organizer ________ the game.
(A) to cancel
(B) cancelling
(C) cancel
(D) cancelled

15( ).

34. Experts say that extremely loud noise can cause ________ hearing loss, so you’d better turn down the volume while you are listening to music.

16( ).

18. Juan comes from Venezuela, ______ is a Spanish-speaking country.
(A) where
(B) so
(C) which  
(D) that

17( ).

31. Annoyed by the constant breakdown, the department head said the new computer system is nothing but a _______.
(A) guerrilla
(B) melancholy
(C) nuisance
(D) pesticide

18( ).

29. Renaissance Italy, like the ancient Greeks,_______in the urban culture and vibrant economy of the city-state.
(A) thrived
(B) outgrew
(C) haunted

19( ).

54. All staff are required to _____ these new safety regulations.
(A) comply with
(B) abide with
(C) conform with
(D) obey with

20( ).

(二) Nowadays, there are very few genuine geisha left in Japan. This is partly due to the decreasing demand. Most of the Japanese prefer hostesses __36__ they want to go out and have some fun with women outside the “net of the family and workplace.” The __37__ is also due to the supply. For the Japanese girls, it is __38__ easier to become a Western-type entertainer, a hostess, than a geisha. It is possible that in a few years, it will be difficult to find any geisha left. __39__, with tourism and the interest of the businessmen visiting Japan, this institution will probably survive. A love for the traditional arts seems to be the most important motivating __40__ for women who choose to become geisha. They are respected as preservers of traditional art and culture.
(A) more
(B) much
(C) many 
(D) most

21( ).

四、克漏字測驗 [請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案]
      People used to think that taking a gap year was ___ (41)__. In the past you took a gap year if you had to take exams again or had problems between finishing school and starting higher education and then starting a career. ___(42)__ now, universities actively encourage a gap year and employers are happy to give jobs to students who take a gap year. A year out between school or college and higher education or employment, or between higher education and a job, can give young people ___(43)__ learning experiences, help them ___(44)__up new skills and make them more independent. Employers and universities want to see evidence of effort, maturity and responsibility both in and outside ___(45)__education.

(A) mop
(B) carry
(C) pick
(D) shake

22( ).

三、克漏字測驗【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Reading signs can be very useful when you travel in a foreign country. Even if you do not speak the language of the country you're visiting, you can still 21 with no problems if you know how to read symbols and simple instructions. Many of these signs use both words and images to 22 people know their meanings, whereas there are also many signs that wholly depend on symbols. Some people may even argue that it is 23 fun and useful to learn to read them, although others may consider it nerve wrecking.
 The truth is, even with the most strict standard, it is still quite accurate to call such a learning process interesting since you will always get to know something new.
 Take the traffic sign 5d9ac88870226.jpgin the United States 24 –truth be told, this sign looks familiar to us, right? Exactly! In the United States, however, it is commonly seen with the word “xing” on it. You may find it near schools, hospitals, or some residential areas. Since the letter “X” symbolizes “cross,” the symbol is to warn you of people trying to cross the streets. 25 you agree it's such a cute and fun idea to use X to save space on a small sign?

(A) both
(B) too
(C) either
(D) all

23( ).

Do you    51    traveling? Many people do. There are many benefits of traveling for people of all ages. It gives people a chance to see new places   52  do new things. It also allows people to experience new cultures and meet new people. The good news for travelers is that international travel has never been easier. Not only are there many modes of transportation available, but the Internet makes bookings and reservations    53    . While     54    people have always traveled to exotic places, organized tours have now made it possible for everyone to enjoy the world around them. Tours are also designed to    55    the needs of people with very different budget requirements. With so many ways to travel, what are you waiting for?
(A) and
(B) with
(C) but
(D) for

24( ).

   Every so often a company comes along and executes on a business plan so simple that it leaves thousands of would-be entrepreneurs on the sidelines asking one shared question, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Warby Parker, a high-end eyewear retailer, is one of those companies. Since 2010, the company has disrupted a monopolistic company with 60-80% market share in the U.S. and become an inspiration for other aspiring businesses. Part of its success could be traced to its pricing model.
   In 2010, Warby Parker entered the eyewear market, which was being dominated by the overlord of eyewear, Luxottica. Luxottica owns an array of brands like Oakley and Ray-Ban and their retail banners include the likes of LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, and Sunglass Hut. Its huge market share had allowed Luxottica to basically control the price of designer eyewear and take huge profits. But by setting the price bar so high ($500 for a pair of glasses? Seriously?), Luxottica gave plenty of room for competitors to move into the market. In order to make a serious play in the eyeglass industry, Warby Parker needed to answer the question as to why glasses cost so much?
   Through research Warby Parker found that most brands didn’t design or manufacture their own glasses; these brands sold those rights to huge companies like Luxottica. And that’s where the prices of eyewear were inflated. By deciding to design and manufacture their own glasses, Warby Parker was able to drastically reduce the price of its product. Basically, they cut out the middleman. As a result, the vast majority of Warby Parker glasses sells for a reasonable rate of $95. (Titanium frames are $145.) Beyond offering better prices, Warby Parker strategically uses a uniform pricing system that comes as a relief to overwhelmed consumers.
   This idea of vertical integration is far from new, but it has been extremely effective. By internally handling processes that were typically outsourced, Warby Parker was able to control price. As a result, Warby Parker has been extremely successful in an industry where its competitors had previously felt very comfortable. As of April 2015, Warby Parker was valued at $1.2 billion.

【題組】35. Which of the following is most likely the author’s intended reader group?
(A) Those potential customers who wear glasses all the time.
(B) Novice who are interested in starting their own businesses.
(C) Venture capitalists who seek opportunities in eyewear markets.
(D) International manufacturers that can serve as outsource for big brands.

25( ).

第二篇: In English, there are two different kinds of nouns in general. One is countable, and 71 is uncountable. For countable nouns, you can add -s or -es in the end of the word to make a plural form, such as two “rooms” or three “classes.” Uncountable nouns are for the things that you cannot count with numbers. You need to add partitives in front of uncountable nouns so that you can “count” them. 72 , instead of saying a soap, you should say a 73 of soap. Some other good examples will be a “drop” of oil, two “rolls” of paper, or one “cone” of ice cream, to name just a few. It may 74 some time for new English learners to understand the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. One has to practice over and over again to 75 partitives. If you are a new English learner, just remember this: Practice always makes perfect.
(A) For example
(B) Likewise
(C) In fact
(D) What’s more


