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13. Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year. When she studies in an art school there, she __________with her aunt for five months.
(A) lives
(B) has lived
(C) lived
(D) will live


15. A new road is going to ___in town because traffic is getting busier and busier.
(A) build
(B) building
(C) be built
(D) have built


29.Jogging is the only exercise I enjoy. I find                   other kinds of exercise boring.
(A) all
(B) few
(C) many
(D) some


11._________ a map with you when you go to a place for the first time.
(A) Have taken
(B) Take
(C) Taking
(D) To take


8. The teacher ___his students vacuum the floor of the classroom after the party.
(A) asked
(B) wanted
(C) found
(D) had

6( ).




33. Which map is most likely the map of Cameroon in 1962?

7( ).

Joyce: Can you help me take care of my roses? I’ll be away for two weeks. 
Ryan: Are you crazy? Don’t you know I’m a flower killer? 
Joyce: Why’s that? I remember you have a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers. I think you’ve been taking good care of them.   
Ryan: Not me. It’s my dad. He is good at growing trees and flowers. I think you should ask someone else for help. I’m really not the right person. 
Joyce: But I’m leaving tomorrow morning! There’s no time to look for someone else. Please! All you have to do is to water my roses every two days. Here’s the key to my house. 
Ryan: It’s just as easy as that? 
Joyce: Yeah, just as easy as that! 
Ryan: Well . . . will you kill me if anything goes wrong? 
Joyce: Maybe, but I believe you’ll do just fine.

【題組】33. Which is said in the reading?
(A) Ryan’s father has decided to help Joyce.
(B) Joyce is going on business for two weeks.
(C) Ryan’s father takes care of Ryan’s garden.
(D) Joyce has brought her roses to Ryan’s garden.

8( ).



35. Which is most likely Brett Shaw’s drawing in this month’s Lenses Magazine?
(A) 5ed5bb6c9722e.jpg
(B) 5ed5bb76dc3d6.jpg
(C) 5ed5bb7fdd2c5.jpg
(D) 5ed5bb8a77df0.jpg

9( ).

                                     “Maybe I should put a side table in this corner.”
           “I think a yellow dining table would look great with the color of my kitchen.”
                                 “I guess an L-shaped sofa is right for my living room.”
      How can you be sure if these ideas will work? Are you going to different stores looking for things which you plan to put in your house? What if they don’t look good in your house? Now Mother Goose saves you all the trouble! With Mother Goose, you can play with different ideas on the computer, so you can see what your future house will look like before starting the real job. Want to see the magic? Just visit www.sweethome.com/mothergoose to take a look. Sweethome.com will start selling Mother Goose next week. The first 100 people to order Mother Goose will get it at half price (only one pack of Mother Goose per person). Get yours now!
■ what if 萬一 per 每一

【題組】32. What do we know about Mother Goose?
(A) It is new on the market.
(B) It is popular with young people.
(C) People can visit its office next week.
(D) People can buy three packs and get one free.

10( ).

       When you first meet Meggie, you may think she’s strange. She often tells people which word “tastes” good and who has a “delicious” name. But she’s not crazy. She has synesthesia, something only one in 2,000 people has.
       People who have synesthesia experience the world differently. For some people, different words “taste” differently, for some, numbers or letters have colors, and for some, music “touches” parts of their bodies. Many of them experience more than one kind of synesthesia, while some have just one, like Meggie.
       Each of them has their individual experience – two people with synesthesia may both “feel” music, but they almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, one may feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the other may feel it on her ankle. And one’s experience of synesthesia is always the same. If they see the number 5 in the color blue, then 5 is blue every time they see it.
        There’s one thing about synesthesia: it can’t be “turned off.” If you have synesthesia, you’ll experience it all the time. Meggie once met a guy and his name made her think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun guy, but after thinking about his name all night, she felt too sick to be friends with him. Even so, she still likes this “gift” because that’s what makes her different.

【題組】31. What is the reading mostly about?
(A) Why people have synesthesia.
(B) What it is like to have synesthesia.
(C) What kinds of synesthesia there are.
(D) How to help people with synesthesia.

11( ).

【題組】34. Which sentence may Meggie say when she tells you about her experience of synesthesia?
(A) “The name Laura is in bright purple.”
(B) “The sound of drums touches my back.”
(C) “The word zero tastes like a green apple.”
(D) “The taste of fish appears as a green cloud.”

12( ).

Karl : Wow! Shin, your lunch looks so good. Did you make it yourself?
Shin : No, our wife made it.
Karl : What?!
Shin : Oh, sorry. I meant “my” wife. That’s a mistake we Koreans sometimes make when speaking English. In Korean, we often say uri to mean “my,” although the word really means “our.”
Karl : Interesting!
Shin : In Korea, people use the word uri to talk about a common thing they have and don’t share with others.
Karl : So, you don’t feel comfortable saying “my” wife? But you are the only person who is married to her.
Shin : Well, saying “my wife” would sound like I’m the only person who has a wife. But of course that’s not true — many people have wives.
Karl : I see. How about things like cellphones? You don’t feel comfortable saying “my cellphone” either?
Shin : Well, no. However, we also use uri when something’s shared by a group of people, just like in English. When we Koreans speak English, we would say “our country” because, for us, saying “my country” sounds like I own the country myself.
Karl : So, there isn’t a word for “my” in Korean?
Shin : Yes, we have the word nae, but we seldom use it — if you say nae, it sounds like you only think about yourself.
Karl : Then, I guess the English world isn’t very friendly to you. Everything is “my, my, my.”
Shin : Yeah . . . maybe a little. 
Karl : But you know I’m not like that when I say “my,” right? You’re “my” friend and I care about you.
Shin : I know.

【題組】35. Why did Shin say “our wife made it” when Karl asked him who made his lunch?
(A) Korean does not have a word that means “my”.
(B) Shin’s and Karl’s wives made the lunch together.
(C) He thought some Korean words changed meanings when they are used in English.
(D) He followed a common rule of the Korean language when he was speaking English.

13( ).

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in London on April 21, 1926. No one thought one day she   38   the queen of the UK. After her grandfather, King George V, died in 1936, Elizabeth’s uncle, Prince Edward, became King Edward VIII. Edward   39   in love with a married American woman long before, and he decided to marry her after he became the king. However, Edward was asked to choose between the throne and his love. Finally, he decided to give up the throne. 
  40 .   After Edward VIII gave up the throne, Elizabeth’s father became King George VI. As the oldest child without any brothers, Elizabeth became next in line to the throne. She needed to say goodbye to her good old life and prepare to be a queen. After her father died in 1952, she became Queen Elizabeth II. 
Ever since she became head of her country, Queen Elizabeth II   41   : She has held meetings with important people in the UK, and has visited many foreign countries. In the few hours she keeps to herself, however, she reads and enjoys horseback riding

(A) has worked hard for the UK
(B) has been popular with the people of the UK
(C) has been the queen of the UK for a long time
(D) has brought the people of the UK much closer

14( ).


【題組】 34.
(A) is
(B) has been
(C) used to be
(D) was going to be

15( ).

【題組】34. Kate just spent the Christmas holiday in Aqua City. Which picture was most likely taken when she was there?  

16( ).


(A) have not seen
(B) will not see
(C) did not see
(D) were not seeing

17( ).


【題組】39, According to Allen's diary, what will the class do on Friday?
(A) They will decorate their classroom.
(B) They will sing to thank their mothers.
(C) They will buy presents for their parents.
(D) They will welcome a new music teacher.

18( ).


【題組】49. Which do we know from the reading?
(A) Out of the Pages is Sophie Besson’s first movie.
(B) Out of the Pages has won Julio Latio a Rolling Prize.
(C) Out of the Pages is Linda Kinsley’s best-selling work.
(D) Out of the Pages has won Mary Keys a best actress prize.

19( ).

 Since the first case of “Cow Cold” was reported in Kirk State in June,
this killer cold has moved up north faster than we thought it would. By July,
almost every part of the country had been attacked by Cow Cold. In only
two months, the number of dead cows has risen to 5,000. Though Cow Cold
started in the south, the east of the country is the worst hit area. By this week,
80% of the farms in Osten State have reported cases of Cow Cold.
  The sale of milk in Osten State has slumped because of Cow Cold. Before
Cow Cold, the sale of milk in Osten State was $2.5 million each week; now it is
less than $500,000.
  Odin State is the only area in the north without cases of Cow Cold.
Before we know how to deal with Cow Cold, we can only hope Odin State will
be lucky enough not to experience the power of this killer cold.
(Elaine Baker, City Post)

【題組】33. Which map will most likely appear with the above news report? 

20( ).

8. Here is this year’s report on the Top Ten Cities of Animal Island by Best Living.Com. 

【題組】52. What can we learn about the cities in the report?
(A) One city in this year’s top five is in the east.
(B) Few people come to Oxtown to do business.
(C) No city in the north entered this year’s top ten.
(D) Goosetown is Animal Island’s second biggest city.

21( ).

 It was 11 p.m. and Molly walked out of her bakery. She turned and looked at
her store one last time. She wanted to remember what it 35 at the moment. A few
hours later, people would come and clean out everything in the store. A young man
had bought it. He 36 it into a flower shop.
  Before it was a bakery, this place 37 a small coffee shop. Molly worked
in the shop as a waitress. But taking orders was never Molly’s dream; baking was.
When she knew her boss planned to sell the shop, she borrowed money and bought it.
  Her bakery had been open for thirty years. Thirty very wonderful years.
However, it would all come to an end tonight. Molly 38 the bakery to be a family
business. But her daughter was never interested in baking. Molly did not want her
business in a stranger’s hands, so after some serious thinking, she decided to close it.
  “Goodbye, my dear old friend,” Molly looked at the store, whispering.

(A) had changed
(B) changed
(C) was going to change
(D) has changed

22( ).


【題組】26. Ellen and Gina were in the same guitar class with their friends at Soul Guitar. During the guitar sale, Ellen and Gina bought two Koala guitars there together. How much did Ellen and Gina pay for their guitars and the guitar course?
(A) $9,000
(B) $10,000
(C) $11,000
(D) $12,000

23( ).


【題組】30. Why does Wilmore Town put the Hugo sculptures at different places?
(A) To show people nine artists’ homes.
(B) To invite people to watch Jamie and Hugo.
(C) To get people to see more parts of the town.
(D)To show people places they can bring their dogs to.

24( ).


(A) go to
(B) went to
(C) have gone to
(D) are going to

25( ).

Alec: So, what do you think about it?
Ellie: It’s…interesting.
Alec: Oh, no, don’t say that.
Ellie: The first thing you should know about Olivia is that she’s scared of anything
with six legs. I don’t think she’ll be able to walk past the gate of Buzzing World.
Alec: But she loves butterflies! Well, she loved the photos of butterflies I took last
time I was there.
Ellie: Only when they’re not moving.
Alec: Fine. I’ll just take her somewhere else, and that’d be OK. Right?
Ellie: Umm, you’re taking her to Wavelength for dinner?
Alec: What’s wrong with that?!
Ellie: I wouldn’t say a dead fish is really her idea of a nice dinner, and this restaurant
sells seafood…
Alec: Now you’re wrong about this one. She loved my mom’s fish balls. She had
several last time!
Ellie: OK, let’s ask someone else. Oh, there’s Lori. Hey, Lori, could you look at
Alec’s plan? He’s taking Olivia out.
Lori: Wow! Everything’s written down on paper! Hmmm… I thought you wanted
her to be your girlfriend.
Alec: I do!
Lori: If you follow this plan, I’m sure it’ll be your only date with her

【題組】31. Emily is a friend of Olivia’s. If she agrees with Lori, what would she most likely say to Alec?
(A) “This is just what Olivia would want!”
(B) “You never know what a girl like Olivia would want.”
(C) “Make a different plan or have a date with a different girl!”
(D) “She never cares what she does on a date; she cares who she has a date with.”  likely 可能 10 (32-34)


