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4. Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by an experienced practitioner using _________ needles.
(A) fertile
(B) sterile
(C) sharp
(D) biting


Passage B
 Dear All,

Here I enclose the PDF file of our project proposal. I don't really want you to "check it up," as a mail recipient is usually invited to do when there are enclosures to the mail. The file may expose my incompetence, ignorance, and sloppiness as a scholar. The reason why I still send the project proposal to you is that its merits lie in the booklists you prepared and the descriptions you write for them. As I said in my previous mail, I earnestly pray that this proposal get the approval of National Science Council-more earnestly than I wish the approval of my own research project proposal. I also believe that our proposal stand some chance. However, if this proposal is unfortunately rejected, the blame is definitely on me. 
When writing this proposal, I took a bold strategy: I tried to turn our disadvantages into our advantages; more specifically, I tried to tum our weakness into potential or room for improvement-through implementing the book acquisition project. One thing I kept harping on in the proposal is a research group organized among us around the DDA (Disease, Disaster, Apocalypse) topic. At least for me, this is not another tall tale an applicant for NSC grant tells to get the money. I truly believe in the possibility of such a group-based on my observation of our interactions during the preparation for the proposal. We may take a step closer to the realization of the possibility if the proposal gets approved. 
Here I also enclose the general booklist I turn in with the project proposal. I explained in the proposal why I listed much more entries than required in the booklist. I assure you that we can provide much more titles. Most teams that have ever done the book acquisition projects encounter the difficulty of not fmding enough titles to buy. I don't think this problem will ever happen to us if we can obtain the approval. 
Last but not least, thank you very much for your contribution to the project proposal. 
Sincerely yours, 
Joseph Lee Primary 
Project Investigator

【題組】37. Who are the addressees of this message?
(A) National Science Council staff
(B) Publishers and bookstore owners
(C) Members of the team project
(D) Reviewers and editorial board


Passage Three: Questions 44-50 
        Naturally the audiences that support various kinds of music are not identical. There are separate audiences, of widely differing tastes and musical receptivity, for opera, symphony, and chamber music. The oratorio audience is a very special group made up of the most conservative tastes and opinions. One suspects that it is recruited largely from friends and families of the singers Now a stage full of happy and earnest oratorio singers must represent considerable potential ticket sales, and if this is true, it does not make much difference what work the singers select to perform. Anyone who has ever sung in a chorus knows what fun it is lo sing Handel. Thus music is easy to grasp, fits the voice well, and fine effects are achieved with a minimum of professional skill. The plan of the Handel oratorio is ideal for the ordinary amateur singing group. All the hard parts are taken by professional soloists, who can be imported for the occasion. Therefore the chorus can make a public appearance after long, leisurely preparation and add on at the last moment the final professional touches. Thus the never-ending vogue of the oratorio and its unchanging aspect must be attributed, at least partially, to the amateur choral societies that are to be found in almost every community.

【題組】50. What can be concluded from the passage about the characteristics of oratorios?
(A) They are primarily performed by professionals.
(B) They vary little from one performance to another.
(C) They are composed entirely of solos.
(D) They are carelessly scheduled.


10. Without healthy players after a whole season of hard work, being eliminated from the playoff is the_____outcome for any elite team.
(A) merciful
(B) inexorable
(C) unpredictable
(D) incomprehensible


17. Strategically ____ Asia, the Americas, and Europe, Canada is an emerging hub of trade, innovation and investment, and a continuing arbiter of good governance and best practices.
(A) connecting to position
(B) positioned to connect
(C) connected to position
(D) positioned to connecting
(E) positioning to connect


Part II. Error Identification 
Choose the letter of the underlined part that is NOT correct in usage.

【題組】18. Training to communicate  across cultures have long been part of the preparation for executives moving overseas to work.
(A)to communicate
(C)have long been


9. __________ originally refers to the fear of open spaces or the avoidance of social events, but it is actually a more complex condition.
(A) Acrophobia
(B) Claustrophobia
(C) Agoraphobia
(D) Hydrophobia


       Given that bureaucracy is held in such ill repute today, it is hard to remember that it was once considered a great organizational innovation. By organizing the    36    of labor, by making management and decision-making a profession, and by providing an order and a set of rules that allowed many different kinds of specialists to work in coordination toward a common    37    , bureaucracy greatly extended the breadth and depth of intelligence that organization could achieve. Begun as a system of organizing government activities, it has    38    to big business and large organization of all kinds.
       Max Weber, who    39    the systematic study of bureaucracy as its role in western society began to explode in the late nineteenth century, saw bureaucracy as both the most efficient possible system, and a threat to the basic liberties he    40    dear, thus foreshadowing the sentiments which bureaucracy frequently evoked today.

(A) lured
(B) held
(C) knew
(D) fell


1. The _________ of the artist's work was a testament to their creativity.
(A) banality
(B) prolixity
(C) temerity
(D) ingenuity



Victor Shao剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分