23. 以下何者不是專為身心障礙運動員而設的國際體育組織?
(A) International Paralympic Committee
(B) Association of National Olympic Committees
(C) International Committee of Sports for the Deaf
(D) Special Olympics Inc.
49. In the swimming competition, what kind of swimming posture can be at the start and
turns, a swimmer is permitted one or more leg kicks and one arm pull under the water,
which must bring him to the surface? It shall be permissible for a swimmer to be
completely submerged for a distance of not more than 15 meters after the start and after
each turn. When by that point, the head must have broken the surface. The swimmer
must remain on the surface until the next turn or finish.
(A) Backstroke (B) Breaststroke (C) Freestyle (D) Butterfly