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12. After the fire, everyone in the apartment was ______   when they cooked. They did not want any people to be hurt again.
(A) more carefully
(B) more careful
(C) the most careful
(D) the most carefully


14. Ms. Lee: ______   did you get this beautiful card?
 Mr. Wang: One of my students made it for me. She sends me a card every year.
(A) Who
(B) Where
(C) When
(D) What

3( ).


【題組】27. What can we learn from the reading?
(A) Lady Mary died in the castle.
(B) Sir William and Sir Anthony were family.
(C) Sir Anthony was killed in a fire.
(D) Lady Helen first met Sir Anthony at the castle.

4( ).


【題組】30. Many people called soon after Sophia’s book came out. Which call is most likely true?
(A) “I’m Judy, Mason’s aunt. Sorry to tell you that Noah, Mason’s father, died yesterday. As a father who had lost his son for over twenty years, Noah wanted to thank you for making sure that Mason was not forgotten . . . .”
(B) “I’m Mason’s father. Thanks to your book, Mason finally came home. He has grown into a teenager. I can’t believe I can have Mason back after years of . . . .”
(C) “This is Mason calling. Thanks for everything. A bad guy took me away from our house fifteen years ago. A nice woman saved me, but I was too little to tell her where my home was . . . .”
(D) “I’m Adam, Mason’s best friend. We both celebrated our fiftieth birthday this week. I wanted to tell you that in fact, we ran away together at the age of fifteen to see the big world. Now we own a factory . . . .”

5( ).

       When you first meet Meggie, you may think she’s strange. She often tells people which word “tastes” good and who has a “delicious” name. But she’s not crazy. She has synesthesia, something only one in 2,000 people has.
       People who have synesthesia experience the world differently. For some people, different words “taste” differently, for some, numbers or letters have colors, and for some, music “touches” parts of their bodies. Many of them experience more than one kind of synesthesia, while some have just one, like Meggie.
       Each of them has their individual experience – two people with synesthesia may both “feel” music, but they almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, one may feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the other may feel it on her ankle. And one’s experience of synesthesia is always the same. If they see the number 5 in the color blue, then 5 is blue every time they see it.
        There’s one thing about synesthesia: it can’t be “turned off.” If you have synesthesia, you’ll experience it all the time. Meggie once met a guy and his name made her think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun guy, but after thinking about his name all night, she felt too sick to be friends with him. Even so, she still likes this “gift” because that’s what makes her different.

【題組】32. What does it mean when someone has their individual experience?
(A) Their experience is helpful to them.
(B) Their experience is different from others’.
(C) Their experience stays in their mind for a long time.
(D) Their experience changes their way of seeing the world.

6( ).


(A) is
(B) has been
(C) will be
(D) would be


       The earth is getting warmer with more and more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. To better understand how greenhouse gases heat up our earth, we should first know   39  . A greenhouse is a special house made of glass for plants. It holds the heat of the sun so that the plants inside can grow better. Some gases in the atmosphere work like a greenhouse and can keep the heat of the sun, so we call them greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases help our earth stay warm enough for animals and plants. In fact,   40  .
       There is, however, a big problem. More greenhouse gases than our earth needs are entering the atmosphere because of the way we live.   41  , with a great number of cars, there is too much CO2, a common greenhouse gas, and farm animals give off a lot of CH4, another greenhouse gas. If we want to “cool down” our earth, a good start is to change our way of life, like driving less and eating less meat.

  gas 氣體 atmosphere 大氣層

(A) how many greenhouse gases there are
(B) how long greenhouses have been used
(C) what a greenhouse is and how it works
(D) what greenhouse gases are and where they come from


