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In our busy modern world, doctors do not always take the time to explain illness and possible remedies to their patients. Doctors may even not give any scientific details in words that are easy to _____41_____ , either. For this reason, many hopeful people _____42_____ advantage of Internet resources to find the facts they need for good medical decisions. On the subject of physical and medical research, there are thousands of amazing websites _____43_____ people can get information. Some people believe that the great amount of medical information _____44_____ on the Internet can improve their health, while others claim that these facts and opinions may be inaccurate and therefore dangerous. Indeed, to find out the best ways to _____45_____ difficult health problems, we may still need to seek advice from doctors.


Credit card companies make money when card users buy more than they can_______.
(A) deposit
(B) withdraw
(C) afford
(D) cash


Marian is very_______for the help she received during her illness. She hopes that one day she could return these favors.
(A) inactive
(B) decisive
(C) grateful
(D) resentful


If a person_______personal satisfaction, perhaps a career in teaching or the arts is best for him.
(A) is sorry for
(B) is divided into
(C) is interested in
(D) is about to


59 Teacher: What’s the date today? Student: __________________ Teacher: Very good.
(A) It is Monday.
(B) It’s September 17th.
(C) It’s Mid-Autumn Festival.
(D) It’s the Fall season.


10 The copying machine is _____. Please get a technician to repair it.
(A) out of mind
(B) out of order
(C) on hand
(D) on duty


37 Nobody likes to be ill, especially when _____ in a foreign country.
(A) he traveling
(B) travels
(C) traveling
(D) travel


45 The device was so strange that nobody was certain _____ its purpose was.
(A) what
(B) how
(C) when
(D) where


The gifts have been unwrapped. The champagne has been drained, and vacation season is over. It’s back to the grind of work, and there’s a whole year ahead of us. Instead of feeling uninspired and bummed about the long stretch before the next holiday season, take some time to refocus your energy at the office. The best way to do this is to set small, accomplishable work goals. For instance, someone who takes on too much responsibility might focus on delegating successfully in the coming year. An employee who is shy in meetings might try to speak out more. Someone who is opinionated might try to be a bit more subdued. Setting these goals is a way to stay engaged and active at work. From there take an annual career physical. Ask yourself: do I get paid enough? Does my work challenge me? Am I learning and contributing? If most of the answers aren’t yes, it might be time to look for a new job. If that’s the case, assess the job possibilities in your area and get to know key players locally in your profession. Looking for a new position might be just what you need. If you don’t need a major career overhaul, look around you. It might sound simple, but one thing that drains employees is a messy desk and office. A cluttered desk will keep your mind cluttered too.
【題組】When is this passage most likely written?
(A)After Thanksgiving
(B)After the New Year
(C)After Easter
(D)After Halloween


44 It is important to use a marine VHF radio because it provides continuous __________with search and rescue teams.


26 As a stranger’s fingerprint was found in the crime scene, Miss Smith’s death was considered a____ and the police now have to find out who killed her.
(A) patricide
(B) pesticide
(C) homicide
(D) herbicide


36 As a police officer, it is my duty to____ the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor.
(A) refine
(B) defeat
(C) employ
(D) enforce


3. The coronavirus is full of ___ for scientists to solve.
(A) voters
(B) channels
(C) mysteries
(D) cards


45 Driving ______Influence(DUI)is one of the major factors in the cause of collisions.
(A) Under
(B) Upon
(C) Until
(D) Unable


50 Those who plan to travel abroad are urged to have the COVID-19 ______ before their departure to build immunity against the virus.
(A) vaccine
(B) accentuation
(C) diagnosis
(D) infection



Jun-Yuan Wang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分