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【精選】 - 銀行◆英文 - 邏輯推理2024~2020難度:(1~5)
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1.今年某政府機關招考約僱員工,其錄取率 25%,錄取人數 310 人,請問報考人數為幾人?
(A) 1,290 人
(B) 1,240 人
(C) 1,170 人
(D)1,150 人


30.在一場拉麵大胃王比賽中,經過數輪較勁所有參賽者一共吃完 330 碗後,最後有五位選手進入決賽, 最後結果為 3 號參賽者吃完的碗數比 1 號多,4 號比 2 號多,1 號比 5 號多,而且 5 號吃完的碗數是最少 的,請問排名順序為何?
(A) 3 號>1 號>4 號>2 號>5 號
(B) 3 號>1 號>4 號>5 號>2 號
(C) 1 號>3 號>4 號>5 號>2 號
(D) 3 號>4 號>1 號>5 號>2 號


1. A famous _____ of Nike is “Just do it.”
(A) slogan
(B) tablet
(C) proposal
(D) extent


19. Their daughters like to eat fish, but their son ______ .
(A) do
(B) does
(C) don’t
(D) doesn’t


          Located in the Venetian Lagoon in northeast Italy, Poveglia Island is one of the most haunted islands ever. In the past the island served different purposes, such as a safe haven, a military checkpoint, and a mental institution. It can be said that its peculiarity resides in the spooky and terrifying aspects and legends behind the abandoned island. According to the research from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Poveglia had probably been populated before the Romans by the Euganei. Proto-Italians first inhabited the Veneto region as early as 2,000 BC
(E) During the war with Genoa in the 14th century, the so-called Chioggia War, the island inhabitants were forced to move to another island in the lagoon. Accordingly, Poveglia was transformed into a military outpost. In 1348 the bubonic plagues arrived in Venice and Poveglia like many other small islands. To avoid a major spread of the plague, Venetians created the Lazzaretto, a separate area where the sick people were housed. In the area, archeologists have discovered thousands of corpses. Poveglia was used as a quarantine location where many of the bodies were incinerated to avoid the spreading of the plague.
         In the 20th century, the government decided to turn the island into asylums for people with mental illness. Legends and stories came out of the place, narrating the terrifying experiments a mad doctor conducted on patients during those years. Some say that the doctor committed suicide and the tormented souls of the victims still lived on the island. All buildings were abandoned since 1968. Now the structures have become crumbling and damaged. There are no boats that make regular stops at this island, and the entire island is abandoned. Locals and tourists are prohibited from visiting, and fishermen steer clear of the accursed place.
        On HuffPost, a progressive news website, it can be read that the crew from the American reality television series Ghost Adventures got seriously spooked on the island. Their 2009 episode on Poveglia, where the television program crew were stranded on the island for 24 hours, is full of recorded curses, apparitions, creepy music, weird energy, inexplicable equipment malfunctions, and off-the-charts ghost recordings. Several staff members used their best Italian to ask the ghosts some questions and seemed to get responses from the dark abyss.

【題組】41. What is the most appropriate title for this article?
(A) Why is Poveglia flooding getting worse?
(B) Why should the Italian government restore the abandoned buildings in Poveglia?
(C) What is the history behind Italy’s haunted island Poveglia?
(D) How do people get permission to visit Poveglia?


【精選】 - 銀行◆英文 - 邏輯推理2024~2020難度:(1~5)-阿摩線上測驗
