(12 秒)
試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 臺灣土地銀行一般金融人員及專業人員甄試試題_五職等:英文#78715
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26. I have an ________ with the doctor. I need to get there by 10 o’clock.
(A) appointment
(B) emergency
(C) insurance
(D) objection

2( ).

27. It’s ________ today. You’d better put on a jacket.
(A) chilly
(B) modest
(C) gentle
(D) previous

3( ).

28. Bananas are grown in ________ regions, where the climate is hot and wet.
(A) magnetic
(B) reliable
(C) stubborn
(D) tropical

4( ).

29. I usually ________ money from ATMs, which are more convenient than banks.
(A) surrender
(B) transport
(C) underline
(D) withdraw

5( ).

30. He ________ everything for his family. And he never complained.
(A) penetrated
(B) sacrificed
(C) transformed
(D) volunteered

6( ).

31. Walking is a good way to ________ a city. You can see almost every corner of the place.
(A) assemble
(B) explore
(C) interfere
(D) outline

7( ).

32. This school is famous for beautiful campus and advanced ________.
(A) continents
(B) facilities
(C) literatures
(D) mushrooms

8( ).

33. It’s ________ clear that he did it. All the evidence showed he killed the boy for sure.
(A) crystal
(B) frantic
(C) reckless
(D) sneaky

9( ).

二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 34. She is ________ than any other girl in her class.
(A) taller
(B) tallest
(C) the taller
(D) the tallest

10( ).

35. I’ve spent hours ________ out the problems. I finally made it.
(A) work
(B) worked
(C) working
(D) be work

11( ).

36. He’s been living in Taiwan ________ 2012.
(A) before
(B) for
(C) in
(D) since

12( ).

37. I ________ you the news if I knew it last week. But I found it out just now.
(A) should tell
(B) should to tell
(C) would had told
(D) would have told

13( ).

38. ________ he was good at math was known to everybody in his class.
(A) That
(B) Unless
(C) Which
(D) What

14( ).

39. I don’t know ________ .
(A) who’s house is it
(B) who’s house it is
(C) whose house is it
(D) whose house it is

15( ).

40. ________, please keep me in the know right away.
(A) You should know the answer
(B) Should you know the answer
(C) That you know the answer
(D) You know that the answer

16( ).

   Around the world, one in four people will have some kind of mental illness during their lifetime. Around 450 million people are living with a mental 41 problem right now, making it one of the biggest health issues in the world. 42 people rarely talk about any mental health problems they have because there is still a lot of shame. 
   World Mental Health Day was first celebrated in 1992 to 43 awareness of just how common mental health issues are and campaign for better conditions and treatment. The number of people and organizations 44 in celebrating WMH Day has grown and grown. And now many 45 , such as Australia, actually have a Mental Health Week, which includes WMH Day on 10 October. Each year there is a different theme. For example, in 2017 the theme was mental health in the workplace.

(A) diagnosis
(B) health
(C) attitude
(D) medicine

17( ).

(A) Though
(B) For
(C) Why
(D) Yet

18( ).

(A) arise
(B) raise
(C) rise
(D) rose

19( ).

(A) involve
(B) involved
(C) involves
(D) involving

20( ).

(A) countries
(B) people
(C) organizations
(D) workplaces

21( ).

   Are you tired of your home country? Do you dream of better opportunities abroad? If you answered “yes”, then you and 700 million other people in the world want to emigrate. This figure is more than the entire adult populations of North and South America combined.
   The top destination remains the US, even though the economy hasn’t fully recovered. Britain, Canada, and France were tied for second because about 45 million wanted to relocate to each of these countries. Spain was third, and Saudi Arabia was fourth. About 25 million people wanted to emigrate to either Australia or Germany. The people who want to emigrate the most come from sub-Saharan Africa. About 38% of adults from this area would like to live elsewhere because Sub-Saharan Africa remains a poor and hopeless place for its inhabitants, and experts guess an even darker future. In contrast, in Asia, only 10% of the population wants to move. Although reasons weren’t given, Asia’s huge potential for growth likely limited the number seeking lives elsewhere.
   However, according to a newly published survey, nearly one in five Singaporeans between the ages of 19 and 30 wish to emigrate, and almost a third will consider the possibility of doing so within the next five years. Those who want to emigrate are likely to be males, better educated and also speak English at home. They also hold positive views towards emigration, and think that it will improve their social status and socio-economic security. And being a permanent resident overseas opened up more opportunities. The most desired country for migration? Australia. Among the other countries most favored by respondents are New Zealand, the US, the UK and Canada. The 2016 survey also found that those who are less likely to think about emigrating believe they can improve their lot in Singapore, and have a higher sense of national pride and life satisfaction levels. On citizenship, more than half (53.1 per cent) of those surveyed said they would not give up their Singapore citizenship even if they got permanent residency overseas.

【題組】46. What’s the most popular country for immigrants in the world?
(A) The U.S.
(B) Australia.
(C) Singapore.
(D) Canada.


【題組】47. According to the passage, why aren’t Asians interested in emigrating?
(A) They don’t want to leave their families behind.
(B) They are proud of their countries.
(C) They can enjoy excellent health care at home.
(D) The reasons are not clearly identified.


【題組】48. According to the article, which of the following description does NOT fit the Singaporeans who want to emigrate?
(A) They are most likely male.
(B) They have good education.
(C) They are in managerial positions.
(D) They speak English at home.


【題組】49. According to the passage, why do some Singaporeans plan to emigrate?
(A) Singapore is not a safe country.
(B) The gap between the rich and the poor is wide in Singapore.
(C) They are not satisfied with their citizenship.
(D) They believe more opportunities are available overseas.


【題組】50. According to the passage, which description about Sub-Saharan Africa is correct?
(A) People there are eager to emigrate.
(B) The residents are proud of their culture.
(C) The economic future of this area is bright.
(D) It’s a dry area with very little rainfall every year.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 臺灣土地銀行一般金融人員及專業人員甄試試題_五職等:英文#78715-阿摩線上測驗
