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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆英文 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2021~2009難度:(1~80)
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42. Robert: You look lost. Can I help you?
Tourist: _____________________________________
Jane: It’s right around the corner. See the tall building over there?
(A)Please don’t ask. I’d rather not talk about it.
(B)No, thank you. I know the place like the back of my hand.
(C)Yes, please. I lost three hundred dollars. Could you lend me some money?
(D)Oh, yes. Please tell me how to get to the post office.


36. I looked everywhere for my car key, and I finally _____ it in the bathroom.


37. Christmas is coming. Who wants to go with me to the _____ to buy the presents?
(A)department store
(B)movie theater


36. Mary loves weekends. Saturdays and Sundays are her ______ days of the week.


Salesgirl: Can I help you? Are you looking for anything particular? Customer: No.______________ Salesgirl: Take your time. If you need me, I’ll be right here for you any time.
(A)I don’t enjoy shopping.
(B)I’m not in a hurry.
(C)I’m just looking around.
(D)I cannot find my size.


Dear Agnes:
        Please help. My best friend in the class, Rebecca, told me today that she is going to drop out of school!! She says that she has put off doing work for every class and no longer has enough time or energy to finish. She thinks her only choice is to quit. I know that she puts off a lot, and that this was a big problem, but I didn’t know it was so serious. Rebecca was going to talk to our teacher today about this problem, but she also postponed that meeting! I know she is feeling very anxious, but I’m worried she’s making a huge mistake. How can I help her with this serious problem? I don’t want her to leave school. 

Worried Friend 
Susan Brown, Seattle

【題組】46. What is the relationship between Susan and Rebecca? They are ______ .


2 No matter what the ___ will be like tomorrow, I’ll go fishing.


9 Which fruit is this country famous for, bananas or _______ ?

9( ).

32 A: Could you run over to the store? We need a few things. B: ________ What do you want me to get? A: Well, could you pick up some sugar and a few oranges?
(A)You are welcome.
(B)No problem.
(C)I couldn’t.
(D)I’m afraid not.

10( ).

39 Student A: Excuse me. What is the time? Student B:_____________
(A)It’s very far.
(B)It’s ten to five.
(C)No problem. Thanks.
(D)It’s not good.

11( ).

40 Sam: Alex, can I talk to you about something?
Alex: ____________
Sam: You know, last night I couldn't study because of all the noise And I couldn't sleep, either. You guys kept me up till 3:00 am.
(A) Sure, what's up?
(B) Sorry, I'm busy.
(C) Never mind
(D) No, thank you.

12( ).

34 Ken: I have two tickets to the basketball game tonight. Would you like to go? Tim:______ Ken: Why can’t you go? Tim: I’ve got to hand in a 10-page report tomorrow morning and I’m still working on it.
(A)What a good idea!
(B)Are you inviting me?
(C)I can hardly wait.
(D)I wish I could.

13( ).

35 Sam: Would you like to go swimming with me? Jane:______ I think I’m getting a cold.
(A)Sure thing.
(B)Yes, thank you.
(C)I’d rather not.
(D)You’re just being polite.

14( ).

37 My father loves to ____ the mountains every Sunday morning.
(A) point
(B) climb
(C) trace
(D) become

15( ).

39 Could you please go to the post office and send this _____ out for me?

16( ).

40 Jack gave me a big _____ on my birthday last year. I was really touched.

17( ).

Don’t be _____ of asking for directions when you get lost in a big city.

18( ).

Janet: Do you want to join us? Allen: _____ Janet: That’s wonderful.
(A)Who else will be there?
(B)Will you come, too?
(C)Sure, why not?
(D)No one will come.

19( ).

John: It’s nice to meet you! Bob: _____.
(A)You are very nice, too
(B)It’s nice to meet you, too
(C)How nice you are
(D)Great! See you later

20( ).

A: I’m worried the test may be very difficult. B: Believe me. It’s just _____. A: Are you sure?
(A)a bottle of water
(B)a piece of cake
(C)a glass of juice
(D)a couch potato

21( ).

31 I am going to choose _______ for my main course because I love seafood.
(A) steak
(B) chicken
(C) pork
(D) lobster

22( ).

Jason: What’s the matter, Luke? You look awful. Luke: _____ Jason: You did? I’m sorry to hear that.
(A)I just failed my test again.
(B)I just made a new friend.
(C)I just bought a new dress.
(D)I just came back from my vacation.

23( ).

        Many people like to take exercises to keep fit. Some go jogging and cycling while others go swimming and play sports. One more common way of exercising nowadays is walking at a faster speed. It’s now getting more and more popular as you can see people doing it in parks and on roads. It is easy to follow and cheap as well. What you need is comfortable clothing and a pair of good shoes. Besides, it is a very effective exercise. It can make your hearts, lungs, and bones stronger and help you lose weight in a healthy way. It is also safer than other exercises such as jogging since it won’t hurt the joints on your knees. With so many benefits to gain from, there is no wonder that more and more people enjoy doing it.
【題組】According to the passage, which item is suggested every time you go walking?
(B)An umbrella
(C)A formal dress
(D)Comfortable clothing

24( ).

41 Mary:Could I have your name?
Carlos:        .
(A)I don’t know
(B)Sure. My name is Carlos
(C)What is your name
(D)I’m sorry

25( ).

The Faculty and Staff at Chicago Middle School invite you to attend our annual Honors Dinner on Thursday, May 20, 2006, in the school cafeteria. 
A meal will be served at 7:00 p.m. The cost of the meal is $4.50 per person. 
Please respond with the number of family members attending by May 5ᵗʰ. 
We look forward to seeing you there.

【題組】How much will each person pay for the meal?
(C)It is free.

26( ).

42. Lisa: I’m going to the supermarket. Do you need anything?
John: _____ 
Lisa: Sure. Anything else?
(A)Yes. It’s great.
(B)May I take your order?
(C)Yes, please do.
(D)Could you buy some bread for me?

27( ).

Passenger 1: Can you tell me where I can change my money? Passenger 2: ____________________________
(A) Sorry, I don’t have any change.
(B) No, it’s rude of you to say so.
(C) I don’t know where your money is.
(D) At most banks and hotels.

28( ).

6 We are asked to enter the ______ before we are allowed to use the computer system.
(A) hole
(B) money
(C) password
(D) term

29( ).

15 Jane loves music, so her father is going to buy her a ______ as a birthday present.
(A) vegetable
(B) victory
(C) violin
(D) vanity

30( ).

To: HRManager@company.com 
From: “Stella Simpson” <stellasimpson@hotmail.com> 
Subject: Job Application 
Dear Human Resources Manager, 
I’m writing to show my interest in the Sales Adviser position you advertised on JobMarket.com. I hold a college degree in tourism. Therefore, I have both the knowledge and the skills required for this position. Having been working in a five-star hotel for five years, I am experienced in working with people in the tourism industry. My responsibilities include helping customers check in and out of the hotel, answering questions on the phone, and dealing with customers’ requests and complaints. 
Although my duty does not include selling products to customers, I have been fully aware of their needs and know how to help them solve problems. Having served in this industry for several years, I am a person who is friendly, helpful, patient, and can certainly work under stress. If given the chance, I am available for interview at any time and place. I can be reached either through mail or phone. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Yours sincerely, 
Stella Simpson 
Stella Simpson 
 168 Main Street 
Sydney NSW 1000 
Cell: 843-495-1378 
Email: stellasimpson@hotmail.com 

【題組】37 How did Stella Simpson send her application letter?
(A) By fax
(B) By post
(C) By email
(D) By telephone

31( ).

38 I’m so_____________! I’m going to take a trip to Japan this winter.

32( ).

19 I usually buy daily necessities in the same grocery store. The clerks know me because I’m a regular _________.
(A) patient
(B) owner
(C) customer
(D) entertainer

33( ).

42 My mother took me to the doctor’s to get some _____ to cure my sickness.
(A) temperature
(B) poison
(C) ink
(D) medicine

34( ).

50 There is a house for ______ . I want to buy it.

35( ).

42 Louise: You look nice in your new dress. Where did you buy it? 
Francis: Oh,_______
(A)I bought it an hour ago.
(B)I bought it with my mother.
(C)I got it at a department store.
(D)I also got a new pair of shoes.

36( ).

        When people get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple cannot have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. Some people adopt children of their same race; others adopt children of different races. 
        Most adopted children know that they are adopted. Psychologists and child care experts generally think this is a good idea. However, many adoptees have very little information about their biological mother and father. As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is confidential, so no one can see it. Sealed documents protect both adoptees and their natural parents.

46 According to the article, married couples usually wish to ________.
(A) have children
(B) travel around the world
(C) buy a car
(D) make a fortune

37( ).

41-45 Most Americans do not realize that the tradition of Halloween comes from Ireland and Scotland. It originated from Celts who lived in what is now France and the British Isles over 2000 years ago. A harvest festival was celebrated on October 31st and it also marked the beginning of the long, dark, cold winter. People then believed that the spirits of the dead walked upon the earth in the darkness so great fires were built on the hills to protect the people from bad spirits. Turnips were hollowed out and put a candle inside. When people went outside, they carried them to protect themselves from evil spirits. When the settlers came to America, they brought this custom with them. But they did not have turnips, so they used pumpkins instead. Now, children especially look forward to Halloween and the carving of pumpkins. As Halloween approaches, jack-o’-lanterns pop up on doorsteps everywhere. 
【題組】41. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The History of Halloween
(B) The Value of Pumpkins
(C) The History of the Settlers
(D) The Popularity of the Pumpkin

38( ).

12 Mary is my favorite _____ because she has a wonderful voice.
(A) dancer
(B) painter
(C) writer
(D) singer

39( ).

33 Doris: Do you like country life? 
Danielle: _____. Living in the country is much more comfortable than that in the city.
(A) Not at all
(B) Of course
(C) Oh no
(D) Don’t mention it

40( ).

37 Ron: Which restaurant do you like best in Taipei? 
Penny: ____________________. 
Ron: Let’s have dinner there tomorrow.
(A) I have other appointments tomorrow
(B) I know my dad likes it very much
(C) I love to go to an Italian restaurant in Tien-Mu
(D) I used to eat there

41( ).

39 Ben: Where are you going? 
Wendy: I am going to_____. I want to mail a letter.
(A) the bus stop
(B) the airport
(C) the hospital
(D) the post office

42( ).

40 Susan: What’s the weather going to be like? 
Emily: __________. 
Susan: Great! Maybe we can go fishing.
(A) It’s going to be sunny and mild
(B) It’s going to be cheap and delicious
(C) It’s going to be quick and convenient
(D) It’s going to be short and interesting

43( ).

23.Jim: Are we going to have a vacation this summer? Molly: Where do you like to go? Jim: _______________ Molly: Sounds great!
(A) I have no idea. What do you think?
(B) It seems that weather will be good.
(C) Let’s go somewhere near the beach.
(D) It depends on how much money we have.

44( ).

42 This hotel in the suburb is large and modern. In fact, staying in this hotel is ____ comfortable than staying in a small and old one in the downtown.

45( ).

37 Penguins have______ but they cannot fly.
(A) legs
(B) wings
(C) eyes
(D) nests

46( ).

30 I can’t ride my bicycle______ there isn’t any air in one of the tires.
(A) despite
(B) although
(C) because
(D) unless

47( ).

17 My son is ____of the dark, so he never walks out of the house after sunset.
(A) angry
(B) afraid
(C) proud
(D) worried

48( ).

18 That old man has no family, so he sometimes gets very, very ____ .
(A) friendly
(B) natural
(C) comfortable
(D) lonely

49( ).

27 Susan: I’m going to Tokyo on vacation next week. Alice: Oh, how nice! ____ Susan: Thanks a lot.
(A) I can’t believe it.
(B) I was there once.
(C) Have a good time.
(D) Better luck next time.

50( ).

32 Sylvia: What’s your favorite season? Amy: ____ Sylvia: Me too. I hate cold winter days.
(A) Hamburgers. I like fast food.
(B) Novels. I like to read in my free time.
(C) Summer. I like to do outdoor activities.
(D) Teachers. I like to teach young people.

51( ).

33 A: Can you recommend to me an English tutor? B: Sure. Mr. Johnson is a very good one. A: Where does he live? B: ____
(A) Here’s my card.
(B) He’s my brother.
(C) Here’s his address.
(D) He likes live colors.

52( ).

35 Clerk: Can I help you, Sir? David: Yes. I want to buy a pair of jeans, Size L. Clerk: I have several in your size. ____ David: Yes, of course.
(A) How do you like it?
(B) How many would you like to buy?
(C) Do you want to try on one of these?
(D) They must be expensive.

53( ).

請依下文回答第 39 題至第 43 題: 
The Viking age lasted from AD 790 to 1100. The Vikings were mainly from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and were the best shipbuilders and seamen of their time. They were able to travel long distances in their longships and attack towns on the coasts of Britain and Ireland. They reached Greenland, Iceland, and even America. The Vikings’ boats were long, narrow, light, and flexible. They made them out of oak wood. The typical length of a longship was about 20 meters. The hulls of the ships were shallow so that they could dock on beaches and sail in shallow water. A longship had a large, square, woolen sail, which the Vikings covered in horse fat to make it waterproof. The main power for the longship was from the oars, which were all along the ship. There were usually a crew of about 60 men who rowed the boat. The sailors usually placed their shields along the side of the boat for protection. They also carved the fronts of their ships into the shape of a dragon’s head in order to scare the enemies.

【題組】39 According to this passage, what was the typical length of the Vikings’ boat?
(A)15 meters
(B)20 meters
(C)25 meters
(D)30 meters

54( ).

37 Although John _____ Chinese for three years, he still doesn’t know how to speak the language.
(A) has read
(B) has studied
(C) has understood
(D) has comprehended

55( ).

39 You should ________ all the lights before you go to bed.
(A) turn off
(B) put off
(C) call off
(D) keep off

56( ).

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
  Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the  41  of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup  42  , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook  43  about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add  44  kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to  45  to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

(A) studies
(B) sleeps
(C) breathes
(D) boils

57( ).

    Nowadays, computers have become part of our daily lives. People use computers to search for information, or simply play computer games. 

    I use my computer twice a week. I frequently use it to download pop songs and movies from the Internet. I often use Facebook to keep in touch with friends who are far away. Sometimes I write something and post it on my blog in order to let others know what is going on in my life. 
    Computers are convenient; however, they do cause serious problems. For example, some teenagers play computer games so often that they ignore their studies. They become addicted to computer games and stop interacting with people, finally forgetting how to function in the real world. In addition, long hours of computer use can result in poor eyesight and other health problems.

【題組】45 According to the article, people may not be able to see well because they
(A) eat too much.
(B) don’t wear glasses.
(C) study very hard.
(D) use computer for too long.

58( ).

45 Mary: I’ve got to get a new camera. Bobby:_____  Mary: It just doesn’t take very good pictures.
(A) That’s a good idea.
(B) No problem.
(C) What’s wrong with the old one?
(D) May I help you?

59( ).

        When I was a kid, I did not like to play the piano. My parents asked me to practice the piano every day, but I just
   42   to go out and play with my classmates. I was so bored with practicing the same piece of music for hours that I
almost gave it   43   . When I was ten years old, I began my piano lessons with an   44   teacher, Beth, who allowed
me to choose the piece I would like to play and urged me to play for the pleasure of the music. Instead of criticizing me,
she encouraged me and taught me to have self confidence. I also learned from Beth that the beauty of music comes from
passion rather than from techniques. I am grateful to her   45   introducing me to the wonderful world of music.
        Now I enjoy playing the piano. I practice not for my parents but for   46   . Playing the piano can be a lot of fun. 


60( ).

Sam, who was born in Canada, moved to Taipei with his family last year. Now he is studying Chinese in a language school. The teachers and students there are very friendly to him. In the school, Sam not only studies Chinese but gets to learn about Chinese culture. He is also learning to eat with chopsticks and write with brushes. For Sam, Taipei is a city full of excitement. There are food stalls everywhere and they offer him a variety of meal choices. Besides, Sam also finds the Shih-lin Night Market very convenient for it sells everything that Sam wants to buy. Sam loves to wander around from one vendor to another vendor. He is overwhelmed by the variety of products he finds at the night market. On weekends, Sam usually goes to the movies and goes jogging in the park. And he also loves to go to Beitou to enjoy the hot spring in winter. In summer, Sam likes to go surfing in Fu Long. Sam really loves his life in Taipei.
【題組】50 According to the passage, what does Sam usually do on weekends?
(A) He goes to the movies only.
(B) He goes to the movies and goes jogging.
(C) He goes jogging.
(D) He goes diving.

61( ).

43 Father: How was school today? Son:_______ We made kites and paper dogs. Father: Can I have a look?
(A)It was really fun.
(B)Never mind.
(C)I did go to school.
(D)No problem.

62( ).

44 I have only two dollars. The toy is too_______for me to buy.

63( ).

41 Manager: What was that terrible noise? Secretary: I’m sorry. I just dropped a stack of files. Manager:_________ Secretary: No, I’m fine. Manager: I’m glad you’re not hurt.
(A) Are you hurt?
(B) How did you drop it?
(C) What a big sound it was!
(D) Didn’t you see the file folders?

64( ).

43 Jack:Do you really think bungee jumping is safe? 
Stan:You bet. You really should give it a try. 
Jack:Here in Taiwan? 
Stan:Yes, there are many places here where you can do bungee jumping. 
Jack:But I’m really afraid of heights. 
Stan:_____  You’ll feel great afterward!
(A) Good for you.
(B) Don’t worry.
(C) I got it.
(D) There you go.

65( ).

41 A: Mary, John and I are going to a concert this Friday.____ 
B: Sure, I love concerts. What time should we meet? 
A: At about 6:30.
(A) Can you play the piano?
(B) Would you like to join us?
(C) What’s the occasion?
(D) What kind of party?

66( ).

請依下文回答第 16 題到第 20 題 
    With spacecraft that can carry tourists into orbit and connect Paris to New York in less than two hours, the new heroes of space travel are not astronauts but daring captains of industry. This new breed of space pioneers are all using private money to push the final frontier as government space programs fall away. Times have changed. Once the space race was led by the likes of the U.S. space agency NASA that put the first man on the moon in 1969. 
    Today it is entrepreneur Elon Musk — the founder of Tesla electric cars and space exploration company Space—who wants to reach Mars in the 2020s. The furthest advanced — and most highly publicized — private space project is led by Richard Branson, the British founder of the Virgin Group. His shuttle, SpaceShipTwo, will be launched at high altitude from a weird-looking four-engined mother ship — which can carry two pilots and up to six passengers —before embarking on a three-hour suborbital flight. 
    Branson and his sons will be the first passengers aboard the shuttle when it is expected to launch late 2014. His company Virgin Galactic was given the green light in May by the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to carry passengers from a base in New Mexico, which is named “Spaceport America” — the stuff of science fiction. 
    The US$250,000 price of a ticket has not deterred more than 600 people, including celebrities such as actor Leonardo Di Caprio, from booking their seats.

【題組】16 According to this passage, when is the first tourists-carrying shuttle scheduled to launch into space?
(A) Late 2014
(B) Early 2015
(C) Late 2015
(D) Early 2016

67( ).

41 He always finds time to read his daughter a bedtime__________ .
(A) meal
(B) story
(C) clothes
(D) bus

68( ).

37 I cut to the chase, “we just do not have______ money for the project.”
(A) broad
(B) efficient
(C) enough
(D) enormous

69( ).

38 Daisy’s a really pretty girl, ______?
(A) isn’t she
(B) aren’t she
(C) hasn’t she
(D) won’t she

70( ).

第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最適合者 
    From a young age we are told that our inner qualities matter more than the clothes we wear — but do you know that your shoes can actually speak 41 to strangers? 42 a study by researchers at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, people could accurately 43 a stranger’s age, gender and income just by looking at their shoes. 44 that isn’t necessarily surprising, what made researchers 45 was the second level of analysis. Participants in the study could also tell whether another person was insecure in her close relationships, or more laid-back and relaxed, based on the shoes she wore.

(A) Contrary to
(B) Given that
(C) According to
(D) Rather than

71( ).

41 The train from Taipei to Taichung was _________because the railway was blocked by a car accident.

72( ).

At the airport for a business trip, my whole family settled down to wait for the boarding announcement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public address system saying, “We 46 for the inconvenience, but Cherry Flight 570 will board from Gate 41.” So my family 47 up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41. Ten minutes later, the public address voice told us that Flight 570 would 48 be boarding from Gate 35. So, again, we gathered our carry-on luggage and returned to the 49 gate. Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke again: “Thank you 50 participating in Cherry’s physical fitness program. Now we are ready for boarding.”

73( ).

38 Did you______ to leave your keys at the front desk?
(B) scatter
(C) forget
(D) negotiate

74( ).

38 Jason Wu has become a_____ fashion designer after he designed many dresses for Michelle Obama.

75( ).

29 Penny: You look really unhappy. What’s wrong? 
Tom:____________ . 
Penny: You should go and see a doctor.
(A)I have a cold
(B) I   finished my homework
(C)I just got my midterm grade
(D) I’m very happy 

76( ).

4. The room was filled with cigarette smoke. I could hardly _____ so I opened the window.
(A) burst
(B) boom
(C) stare
(D) breathe

77( ).

21 A: Hello, is this Star Department store? 
B: No, I am afraid you have the wrong number. 
A: Is this nine-two-one, double three-two-one? 
B: No. This is six-two-one, double three-two-one. 
A: ____
(A) This is great.
(B) May I speak to the manager?
(C) You can say that again.
(D) Oh, I am sorry.

78( ).

45 Don: _____
Peggy: I like math. 
Don: That’s nice.
(A)What’s your favorite subject?
(B)Do we have math today?
(C)What’s it like?
(D)What’s it about?

79( ).

45 Losing weight sounds easy in theory, but __________, it’s really difficult for some people.
(A)in fact
(B)in all
(C)at last
(D)at rest

80( ).

July 20, 1969, was one of the most important days in the world history. On that day, two American astronauts walked on the moon! The journey of the spacecraft Apollo 11 began on July 16, when it took off from Cape Kennedy in Florida. There were three specially trained astronauts on Apollo 11 - Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. At 10:56 a.m. Florida time, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the moon! The words he spoke at that moment became famous: “That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He and Edwin Aldrin spent two hours on the moon. On July 24, Apollo 11 returned safely to the earth. The three astronauts went home and they were international heroes.
【題組】49 According to the passage, what was the name of the spacecraft?
(A) Apollo 11
(B) Boeing 777
(C) Galaxy 85
(D) Voyager 22

【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆英文 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2021~2009難度:(1~80)-阿摩線上測驗

Chi-chieh Lin剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了8分